Ma and I took off for the Albert Lea area this morning to get a load of composted horse manure. A van-full is more the order. Anyway, we took I90 over. Near Dexter we started to see drizzle and it was with us all the way to the farm near Walters so little time was wasted in getting the load in the van and we got right back on the road for home where the drizzle often turned to rain and hung right there with us until just before we exited onto Hiway 63. As we unloaded the load it bgan to drizzle heavy here and I see now that we have some white in the air. It melts as soon as it hits, but white is white and I can live without it.
The interstate was littered with deer. Three really big bucks were seen along with several basket and spike racks. Does and fawns made up the bulk of the car-killed deer we saw and the number would have easily topped 100 counting over and back. What a waste of wildlife.
On the west side of Albert Lea we passed a lake that had substantial ice on it. It wasn’t a hge body of water but would have covered a bunch of acres. The ice looked to be shale and thin. It apparently would not hols the weight of a goose since some Canadas were notes in water right at the edge of the ice where some had sheared off and was floating.
Just in the couple minutes it took to write this the snow has stopped here in my part of town now….breaks my heart. NOT. I won’t howl about the cold, I can dress for that. The snow? I have to shovel that crap and that equates to work and I’d rather see brown all winter.