Lake Zumbro drawdown

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Here’s a couple of pics of the Ponderosa public landing and another couple areas around Fishermans Inn with the water drawn down. Sad. If I had one question to ask of the dorks who are responsible for this body of water, it would have to be: Now that you have this lake sucked down to work on the dam, why aren’t you out there digging out all of the exposed sediment deposits to help reduce the cost of cleaning the lake out by dredging? Between two counties and the City of Rochester you’d think that quite a bit of this stuff could be cleaned out using dirt moving equipment a whole lot cheaper than hauling in drdges and messing with miles of discharge pipe.

    The work on the dam was obviously well thought out but why can’t these planners see a little broader picture and tackle two projects while the lake is drawn down for just one fix? Just about every area that is looking to get dredged when ever this lake shore association can get the money together can be reached right now. One would think that if the lake was simply closed to recreational use for the winter that a pretty darned thorough cleaning could be achieved before the lake would be allowed to fill in the spring and the impact on the surrounding ares would be a whole heck of a lot less invasive.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    why aren’t you out there digging out all of the exposed sediment deposits to help reduce the cost of cleaning the lake out by dredging?

    Rhetorical question…right?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Since I feel that the dredging thing has some underlying goals that are not being outwardly discussed by certain persons involved in the process, no I don’t expect an answer. As far as maybe the county[ies] and or the City of Rochester stepping up to the task, I’d certainly entertain a reply.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    thanks for the pics. As far as why they do not dig while lake is low. Money and politics. I have talke to people that live onthe lake and have been told some people actually do not want to see it dregded out ever. Seems crazy to me being a fishermen.

    Posts: 162

    Is there any possibility that waiting for ground to freeze could allow heavy equipment easier access. Have the powers that be considered this?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Lots of history here. Some good ideas, some not so good. Personally I’d like to see the lake closed for a year and draw it down enough to go in and haul the sediment out. Others want to have it dredged at a cost of around 10 million.

    Regardless of which camp anyone belongs too, while the lake is idle right now, why not take advance of being able to reach and work the exposed sediment? That which is removed mechanically can help ease the burden of the cost to dredge it. AND the results are relatively immediate.

    These pics simply show that:

    1.something needs to be done, and;
    2.why not use this drawdown to help achieve an end that benefits both sides of the fence?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394


    Since I feel that the dredging thing has some underlying goals that are not being outwardly discussed by certain persons involved in the process, no I don’t expect an answer.

    Would that be turning a public lake into, effectively, a private lake?

    Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I think there might be some issues regarding using money targeted for dredging being used by the private sector for personal shoreline enhancement.

    Look at what is happening with gates on public waters in the Twin Cities. I think a muzzle needs to be put on shoreline associations and it needs to be a tight muzzle.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Tom, why don’t you post the pic showing the Zebra Mussel population in Lake Zumbro? It’s really infested to say the least.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    They do seem to enjoys their digs out there, don’t they….the zeebs that is. Quite honestly I think one reason we are seeing such clear water during the low flow periods is because these little shellfish do such a great job of filtering the water. Like any body of water where they are found, we need to simply learn to see something positive in them cause they aren’t going anywhere.

    Keep in mind that this drawdown will kill off those that get exposed and zeebs don’t tolerate really warm water temps, something the Zum is good for in August. I think that all of the ups and downs in the water levels and water temperatures out there help to keep tabs on the zeeb population.

    They are there for keeps so I don’t waste much time worrying about how to rid the lake of them….won’t happen in our lifetime.

    Posts: 217

    I was wondering if they were working on the dam when I drove over the bridge on 12 yesterday. Looks really low. Went over to Fishermans for a look as well. One trailer at the landing so wonder if someone was out fishing.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I need to thank Lundgeye for the pics. He posted them on another site after taking time to run out to the landings to check on the lake’s status. This body of water has been a good friend to me for many, many years and seeing it filled up like it has riles me a bit. After seeing the pics I wanted to share on a broader scope just how degraded the lake has become and failed to note the cameraman’s part.

    Few, if any, people who are aware of the lake’s quandry don’t feel that something needs to be done. When mis-leading statements get fed into the public’s eye by some of the spokespeople on behalf of the shoreline landowner’s association, it leads me to feel that there are underlying goals that are discussed in a vague way and this association won’t get what they want without embellishing some truths regarding these issues. Lets just say I am as empassioned about the lake as anyone living on it. I’ve been fishing it for more years than most of the current residents there have been living on it.

    To help make my point I used some of Frank’s handywork and owe him the credit. Frank is no less concerned about the lake and how the fix is handled than I am.

    Posts: 85

    clap!clap!clap! i agree with why not do something now. i live in rochester and fish zumbro every chance i can get. i moved here 5 years ago and it is an awesome lake. i fish out of a boat out there and also do alot of icefishing every chance i get. if they dont do something in the near future it will be hard to even get a boat in the lake or even fish the south end. it sickens me it does. but we are only a few voices. it would be sad to see this fishery go to hell.i say lake zumbro forever lets get something done.

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