Here’s a couple of pics of the Ponderosa public landing and another couple areas around Fishermans Inn with the water drawn down. Sad. If I had one question to ask of the dorks who are responsible for this body of water, it would have to be: Now that you have this lake sucked down to work on the dam, why aren’t you out there digging out all of the exposed sediment deposits to help reduce the cost of cleaning the lake out by dredging? Between two counties and the City of Rochester you’d think that quite a bit of this stuff could be cleaned out using dirt moving equipment a whole lot cheaper than hauling in drdges and messing with miles of discharge pipe.
The work on the dam was obviously well thought out but why can’t these planners see a little broader picture and tackle two projects while the lake is drawn down for just one fix? Just about every area that is looking to get dredged when ever this lake shore association can get the money together can be reached right now. One would think that if the lake was simply closed to recreational use for the winter that a pretty darned thorough cleaning could be achieved before the lake would be allowed to fill in the spring and the impact on the surrounding ares would be a whole heck of a lot less invasive.