Silver Creek Reservior

  • TeeWook
    Posts: 19

    Went fishing this last Sunday out to Silver Creek Reservoir. Wow is it sad. Not the fact of catching fish because if you are using live bait there you are bound to at least catch some perch. By sad I mean the amount of trash that has accumulated out there. I personally picked up more than a 5 gallon pail of trash and I only fished the rocky shoreline. It is just disappointing that some people just don’t care. On a lighter note I did catch this nice bass on a white spinner bait casting from the end of the road.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Maybe they need to lock it down. Seen it all to many times where a handful of people ruin it for everyone.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    That or post a guy out there and ticket the heck out of the offenders. The state claims they are poor. Good revenue source.

    rochester mn
    Posts: 74

    it is sad that people are that lazy !! when ever i take the kids out fishing we always bring a garbage bag or two so that way when i get the “dad i am bored lets go home ” i say why dont you pick up some trash . its cool because they are so proud for doing there part .

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    When the issue of whether that reservoir should be opened to fishing came up a couple years back the garbage factor was one of the primary components I pointed out. Foster is another prime example. If you allow it, they will come…..and leave their crap behind. Close it was a warning the township gave if this problem came up..

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I grew up in rochester (yes, it was a LONG time ago) and do not remember this body of water.

    Can someone fill me in??

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Stu….Silver Creek reservoir is a part of the flood control program. It is located just off County Road 11 and roughly a mile north of County Road 9 on the city’s east side. Basically Silver Creek is being controlled by a dike dam before the water gets to Silver Lake. When we get excessive rainfalls, the water enters this lake or reservoir and is allowed out only in limited amounts. Somewhere along the line fish got in the reservoir and it was at one time pretty decent angling. Then we saw a bunch of renegade anglers trespass to get to the lake when it was frozen and things have gone downhill from there. The original agreement between the township where this puddle is situated and the joint powers [those entities that spearhead the flood control program [dnr, olmsted county, city of rochester and corps of engineers] stated that the land-use was for water retention….period. They wanted absolutely no fishing or hunting allowed simply because the issue you see here today was anticipated. The township can cancel the agreement at any time if the joint powers do not keep up their end. Whats happening now is the problem of the jp, not the township. I’d be surprised if we don’t see the gates locked and the signs go up again.

    There are a number of these ponds on the east, south and west boundaries around the city now and most will afford some fairly easy-to-access fishing. Its nice for family stuff….or should be. But we seem to have lots of pigs around this town now and its not an ethnic problem. Its not an age problem. Its simply a problem with pig people who have no appreciation for our environment.

    Maybe a novel idea would be for every bait shop, any where tackle is sold, and liquer stores be required to charge a redemption fee or deposit for everything purchased. For that matter, we need a city ordinance requiring all the fast food joints to charge like $20.00 per order delivered as take out….refundable when the wrappers and containers are returned WITH a reciept.

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