Rochester Area Ice Fishing

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    I know we’re a little ways away from fishable ice in the area but I thought I’d get some chatter started and see where it goes. What worked last year? Were there any places you wanted to try or try more but didn’t have time?

    I never did get to Silver Creek Reservoir last year but would like to. I’ve also heard a few times that those ponds, I believe they’re called the Cascade complex ponds, by Hwy 14 hold some fish, so with some more information I may give that a shot.

    Anyway, just hoping to get a conversation going for people living in or near the only county in the state without a natural lake (

    Jack Patschull
    Rochester mn
    Posts: 58

    Welcome back Dan. Still anxiously awaiting ice. I’m hoping to try foster and silver. Last year was my first time so I don’t have a lot of data for you.

    Joe Brander
    Posts: 4

    Took this one out of Silver Creek last year on a wax worm and a tiny jig head, bent the hook about 4 different directions…

    1. IMG_2596.jpg

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    there should be ok ice by next weekend……..fingers crossed. Foster will ice up later than all the other puddles because of the many springs so I would give it 2 more weeks before I check it out. Those Cascade lakes can kick your behind or they can reward you with some amazing fishing……I have had both. All the reservoirs around here get pressured more than they can handle. Please throw them back so that others can enjoy. I speak of WC and SC.

    Jack Patschull
    Rochester mn
    Posts: 58

    I always release. Has anybody checked the ice yet? Was thinking about checking kr7

    Posts: 152

    Yes any ice reports for silver creek

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    4 to 5 inches 50 yards out on WC.

    Joe Brander
    Posts: 4

    Looking to get out to cascade tomorrow morning, anybody have any info on ice thickness there or anywhere else in the area?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    I’m jealous of any of you getting out, I missed my chance earlier this week and now I’m working until Wednesday, when I’ll have a quick day off then back to work. If anyone has any recommendations as to which pond to hit up I’d love to hear it.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I wouldn’t try the cascade pits myself. Probably 2 to 3 inches if I had to guess but would like to know if anyone gets out. Best ice is at SC and that is why the lot was full today. I measured 5.5 to 6 inches of rock solid clear ice. The fishing was ok right at noon and garbage after that which is weird but it was a great day to get out.

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    I finally think I’m going to get out Thursday or Friday, any updates guys? I can’t imagine that this warmer weather did too much damage but you never know, just thought I’d ask.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I finally think I’m going to get out Thursday or Friday, any updates guys? I can’t imagine that this warmer weather did too much damage but you never know, just thought I’d ask.

    Big front moving in Thursday. I can’t imagine we gained any ice but doubt we lost much.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    Can’t help you there Jack but I did get out on SC today and found 7″ everywhere I was. If anyone needs a hot tip on where the 4″ perch are send me a PM and with proper persuasion I may give up my secrets.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Dan if you want to avoid the baby perch, fish at least 2 feet off the bottom, they rarely follow baits that far. There must be millions of them in there? Any decent crappies will suspend like most lakes. There are nicer ones in there, you just have to stay on them as they don’t seem to stick around long.

    Posts: 5

    Ive been ice fishing one time last year. This year got a clam jr and cant wait to use it. Would i look like a fool dragging it out this soon? Also what are they bittng on. Any help would be great. Thanks

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    Sorry I’m not real familiar with all the brands and names, but is the Clam Jr. a shelter?

    Posts: 5

    Yes just a 2 man. Think it was ment for kids but it will work for a buddy and I evem tho im a big dude. Lol. Guess i was wondering if other’s had shelters out.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    Oh yeah at this point you’ll see them all the time. Some people have them out first thing of the ice year and you’ll see them in November. No big deal, it all depends on preference and tolerance for weather.

    Posts: 5

    Ok thanks. Just dont want to be that guy.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The thin snow cover and cold weather will have set things up pretty well by now but there are a couple puddles that have spring activity.

    Foster has springs on the north central part of the lake as well as near the beach.

    Willow Creek has a couple small springs that can keep the ice fairly thin early on. If in doubt on Willow just ask anyone whos there fishing and they’ll help steer you.

    The lake immediately behind Mayo’s parking lot on second street and Cascade Lakes has some serious spring activity just about straight behind the fire station.

    KR7 west of town has some small springs early but I think the ice is pretty good there now and that lake has some really nice sunfish in it if you can find them…they have a real knack for avoiding being caught but they’re in there.

    Walking out of Fishermans on the Zum could bea good option….straight out from the boat ramp a few hundred yards to the outside corners of the first bay on the left. Should be an easy walk with limited snow on the ice. Actually anywhere wood is found that juts down into the water on the walk up to the bay can hold fish…crappies and sunfish most likely but nice perch can be found as well. Its way to early to trust Zumbro’s ice to motor vehicle travel. You may see some atvs or even a car/truck but those people have IQs in negative numbers so don’t be like them.

    Posts: 1471

    Has anybody been out on Lake Zumbro? How are you getting on the ice? Last year they chained the access at the Ponderosa and Fishermans was all chained off too. Long walk from the DNR access.

    Posts: 5

    Looking go hit the ice tommrow. Any tips on where or whats biting? Also how the ice is it pretty thick?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Has anybody been out on Lake Zumbro? How are you getting on the ice? Last year they chained the access at the Ponderosa and Fishermans was all chained off too. Long walk from the DNR access.

    Fisherman’s is a private landing, not public. I’m not sure if Jim is offering any access this winter or not. Unless you know someone who lives on the lake the only access points are at the public piers at Fisherman’s or the dnr launch site on the dam end of the lake.

    I’ve heard wheelers are on the ice and snowmobiles but nothing of vehicle travel. The bite was said to be not happening too so I don’t think I’d hurry right out there because it will definitely be a long walk if you head to where the fish should be biting. Be a cold walk too.

    Posts: 1471

    Thanks Tom. I had heard there is a chain still at Ponderosa. The DNR access is a long walk to anywhere. I haven’t heard about Fishermans yet. I know it blocked off last year. Well may have to take a ride.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    They are driving on the lake now. Someone post about 10 1/2″ to 11 1/2″. Too thin for me and my vehicle.

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