Hey guys just wondering what you guys are getting for temps on the river. Gearing up for flatheads but may end up chasing those dirty walleyes if the waters still too cold. Thanks
Better off targeting wintering area yet or snags very close to them. I spoke with a old time DNR biologist yesterday and he said they caught a few while pitching for white bass. They were very close to a wintering area.
It takes them boys a little time to start moving around.
55 last night below 5. Think I hooked into a kitty casting for eyes at dusk. Very heavy, headed straight to deeper water. Finally started to come up and came unbuttoned just before hitting the surface. WISH I could have seen it. Not a monster, but felt like a hog on medium spinning gear.
Yup I went out on sunday and the hummingbird said 57. I spent the afternoon scouting and plan on starting my flathead season on Friday. Thanks for the feedback guys.