Rittenhouse not guilty

  • Billy J
    Posts: 122

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>
    I’ve watched the entire trial.

    Just a few observations.

    Every media form put their own twist on things. Even the local news. Had many moments that I thought WTF – that’s not true. I trust nothing about the trail I saw in the news. Too dam many bias slants on things.

    Unbelievable how many people want him tried and found guilty of their OPINIONS and disregard the laws. The jury found him not guilty of the 5 charges against him. There are other minor laws he broke that he wasn’t charged on; therefore he’s not guilty on those.

    My OPINION is he should not have been asked to be there armed at 17 years old based on not knowing his maturity level and skill sets.

    The fact is he was attacked 3 three times and defended himself. A jury of 12 confirmed that, so everything else falls under opinions.

    For those scared of AR platform rifles – be very thankful he had a small caliber AR and not a shotgun with BBB or buckshot. Would have had innocent people injured

    Well said.

    X3 that

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I’ve watched the entire trial.

    Just a few observations.

    Every media form put their own twist on things. Even the local news. Had many moments that I thought WTF – that’s not true. I trust nothing about the trail I saw in the news. Too dam many bias slants on things.

    Unbelievable how many people want him tried and found guilty of their OPINIONS and disregard the laws. The jury found him not guilty of the 5 charges against him. There are other minor laws he broke that he wasn’t charged on; therefore he’s not guilty on those.

    My OPINION is he should not have been asked to be there armed at 17 years old based on not knowing his maturity level and skill sets.

    The fact is he was attacked 3 three times and defended himself. A jury of 12 confirmed that, so everything else falls under opinions.

    For those scared of AR platform rifles – be very thankful he had a small caliber AR and not a shotgun with BBB or buckshot. Would have had innocent people injured

    Wow. I couldn’t dream of having enough time to sit and watch an entire trial unfold. It seems a ton of people here are luckier than I am in that regard.

    I read a few headlines in the paper and online with coffee. That’s the extent of care and time I had to devote to this case. My uninformed 2 cents are that he was going to be found innocent by law, but is still a complete idiot. For anyone who says better parenting could not have prevented this, I feel sorry for your children. I’ve coached a long time and was a punk once too, but teenagers are easily directed to making the right choices when handled and incentivized correctly. It’s crazy what taking keys, refusing to sign for a license, disconnecting a cell phone, having firm expectations, etc. can do to change even a young adult’s behaviors. Some just don’t have the balls or care to take on parenting the right way. I’ll go ahead and make a not so far reaching assumption that this kid’s parents fit that mold to perfection.

    Posts: 699

    I don’t think his age ultimately mattered, especially once the judge dismissed the minor having a firearm charge. If he was 20, 30, 40, or whatever age with X amount of military or law enforcement experience, the fact is he was assaulted, pursued and had to protect himself. People can say maybe he shouldn’t have been there, but you can’t “victim” blame him any more than saying a woman should have know better that going to a sketchy bar and ended up getting assaulted. He had a right to be there. It’s a horrible situation all around, but it’s also a win for gun rights and self defense.

    Posts: 760

    The truth is yet to come. Rittenhouse being found not guilty is just the first part of justice being served.
    If Gaige Grosskreutz and Joshua Ziminski are not prosecuted with the same amount of determination that Kyle Rittenhouse was, we will have full confirmation that this entire prosecution was just a politically motivated sham – endorsed by WI Governor Evers, the WI State AG, the Kenosha AG, the Kenosha Mayor, the Kenosha DA (scumbag didn’t even have the nads to try the case himself, made his Assistant DA do the prosecution) and the Kenosha ADA and team, and even F. Joe Biden himself. I hope Rittenhouse is made rich like Nick Sandmann, and all those who persecuted him wrongly, are judged by the world and God almighty, for attempting to destroy the life of a young man who was there to do what is right, in the town where he had family and a job.

    Grosskreutz carried and pointed a concealed weapon without having a valid concealed carry permit. Also has a lengthy criminal record including a felony that was later expunged.
    Ziminski was illegally carrying a handgun also, and did fire the handgun with reckless endangerment. His record is … let’s just say he’s a real POS.

    Posts: 2687

    Due process. Jury looked at the evidence both sides produced and came to a verdict. The reason for his being there wasn’t on trial. That’s a completely different onion to peel. The video footage said a lot. The prosecutor didn’t. Public opinion doesn’t outweigh facts or a jury’s verdict. Let’s hope it never does.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    You say “people” like they were innocent bystanders…
    They were convicted felons chasing a kid down in the streets…

    How do you read “innocent bystanders” out of “a kid getting chased and attacked by people (with and without guns)”?

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, confirmed by a jury. Judge and all attorneys involved discredited the legal profession.

    That said, my minor son would have had my foot up his rear prior to leaving for Kenosha (armed or unarmed). He had no business there even if he had the right to be there. Additionally, he will live the rest of his life with the burden of killing two people.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    At 17 I was on my own. My parents had no say, I wasn’t the best kid growing up. My parents wanted to have a say but they didn’t. I wasn’t living at home at 17. It’s hard to say what 17 year old bearcat would have done, hard to say. But I feel like he was in a situation he shouldn’t have been in the first place. But thats not any form of argument that’s just opinion. He did what he had to do to defend himself. And the system protected the defender. That’s a win for people across our nation.
    Hearing white privilege is so disgusting. Especially when a bunch of liberals whites agree 😆

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    The thing I find a bit funny and interesting at the same time. People see this as a victory for the right to hump a AR15 or any weapon for that matter to a protest. Ok, I get the guns are protected under the constitution, I get it. But why do you need to carry one to a protest? Have we devolved so far as a society & country that going to a protest we have to “gun up?” I would think if a person is man enough to carry, pull and fire a gun with numerous people around, you should be man enough to swing a 2 x 4 and hit the person you intend to hit without endangering others.

    Rights or no rights we as a society and country are swirling around the drain. We no longer feel we can defend or fight another person without a gun or knife. We now truly live by the manta kill or be killed. Very, very sad where we have gone and where we are headed to.

    On a side note, I went into a tackle shop the other day, the clerk at the register was a very nice lady. She had a gun with a hip holster on. Full view not covered up in any way. I thought WTF am I doing in here.

    Posts: 0

    The thing I find a bit funny and interesting at the same time. People see this as a victory for the right to hump a AR15 or any weapon for that matter to a protest. Ok, I get the guns are protected under the constitution, I get it. But why do you need to carry one to a protest? Have we devolved so far as a society & country that going to a protest we have to “gun up?” I would think if a person is man enough to carry, pull and fire a gun with numerous people around, you should be man enough to swing a 2 x 4 and hit the person you intend to hit without endangering others.

    Rights or no rights we as a society and country are swirling around the drain. We no longer feel we can defend or fight another person without a gun or knife. We now truly live by the manta kill or be killed. Very, very sad where we have gone and where we are headed to.

    On a side note, I went into a tackle shop the other day, the clerk at the register was a very nice lady. She had a gun with a hip holster on. Full view not covered up in any way. I thought WTF am I doing in here.

    Very well stated. We are swirling at a pace I don’t care for. Morals are gone, ethics are gone, and where are we learning this? I think from the people we have elected, the politics in this country are in such disrepair I’m afraid there is not a fix.

    Happy holidays

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    The thing I find a bit funny and interesting at the same time. People see this as a victory for the right to hump a AR15 or any weapon for that matter to a protest. Ok, I get the guns are protected under the constitution, I get it. But why do you need to carry one to a protest? Have we devolved so far as a society & country that going to a protest we have to “gun up?” I would think if a person is man enough to carry, pull and fire a gun with numerous people around, you should be man enough to swing a 2 x 4 and hit the person you intend to hit without endangering others.

    Rights or no rights we as a society and country are swirling around the drain. We no longer feel we can defend or fight another person without a gun or knife. We now truly live by the manta kill or be killed. Very, very sad where we have gone and where we are headed to.

    On a side note, I went into a tackle shop the other day, the clerk at the register was a very nice lady. She had a gun with a hip holster on. Full view not covered up in any way. I thought WTF am I doing in here.

    If you’re still referring to what happened in Kenosha those days as a “protest” then you are severely mis informed. I’m guessing 50% of the “peaceful protesters” there were armed with some type of weapon. To not have a weapon on you would be absolute idiocy..

    Did you ask the nice lady why she had a gun on her? Maybe she was robbed and attacked at some point in the past, maybe she has an ex husband that is stalking her, maybe she was raped in the past…JFC..

    By the way…Rittenhouse was being attacked with a 2×4…well a skateboard…I guess some on this board would have just taken the beating…

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Rights or no rights we as a society and country are swirling around the drain. We no longer feel we can defend or fight another person without a gun or knife. We now truly live by the manta kill or be killed. Very, very sad where we have gone and where we are headed to.

    It seems to go far beyond defending people’s well being and property. People like Rittenhouse fall right into the groups that believe political violence is necessary right now. If you ever wondered why he was really there and armed, this is it.

    Who Thinks Political Violence Is Justified?

    After the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, the prospect of political violence threatening a peaceful transfer of power has become more than an abstract question. As noted above, nearly one in five Americans (18%) agree with the statement “Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” Republicans (30%) are more likely to agree with this than independents (17%) and Democrats (11%). Among Republicans who most trust far-right news sources, agreement increases to 40%, compared to 32% among those who most trust Fox News and 22% among those who most trust mainstream news sources.

    White evangelical Protestants (26%) are the religious group most likely to agree that true American patriots might have to resort to violence in order to save our country, while 23% of those who follow non-Christian religions, 22% of Hispanic Catholics, 19% of white Catholics, 19% of other Christians, 17% of white mainline (non-evangelical) Protestants, 16% of Black Protestants, and 13% of religiously unaffiliated Americans agree.

    The belief that violence could be an option is stronger among those who support former President Donald Trump and view changing culture as a threat. Among those who think the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, 39% agree that true American patriots might have to resort to violence in order to save our country, compared to only 10% among those who do not think the election was stolen.

    Those who agree that things have changed so much they feel like strangers in their own country (29%) are more likely than those who disagree (12%) to agree that violence might be necessary, and those who think American culture has mostly changed for the worse since the 1950s (23%) are more likely than those who think it has changed for the better (14%) to say so.

    Christian nationalist sympathies matter, as well: Among those who believe God has granted America a special role in human history, 27% agree that violence might be necessary, compared to 12% among those who do not think God granted America a special role.


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room and I will preface this with “there are bad cops out there”.
    However, when you do not abide by the law there are consequences.
    These THUGS are reaping what they sow.
    There wouldn’t have been a trial if Jacob Blake would have listened to the cop. The outrage should be that people are not following the law, that’s where the outrage should be focused. Why can’t people see that and yes Dutch I agree we are swirling down the drain as a society.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    The other thing is that there not condemning these thugs carry pistols in there pants. So it’s ok for thugs to be thugs. But it’s not ok for a law abiding citizen to legally carry and defend himself. Interesting times.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    The other thing is that there not condemning these thugs carry pistols in there pants. So it’s ok for thugs to be thugs. But it’s not ok for a law abiding citizen to legally carry and defend himself. Interesting times.

    Business opportunity!!! Make a “I’m a thug” pin or a “I’m a good guy” pin so we can tell who’s who.

    Posts: 2816

    Anyone who thinks it was just a “protest” in Kenosha hasn’t been paying much attention and really needs to wake up.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Post deleted.

    Pequot Lakes
    Posts: 869

    My thoughts exactly

    Posts: 302

    Most likely a civil suit coming I would guess. Burden of proof is much different in these cases and can often have a different outcome.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536


    1. FB_IMG_1637463862862.jpg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Not in the news…

    FROM A LADY LIVING IN KENOSHA…..Her home town too.

    “I have watched the whole Rittenhouse case.
    I didn’t know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around.
    I didn’t know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed.

    I didn’t know that Kyles Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois.

    I didn’t know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him with lethal force to the head.

    I didn’t know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard.

    I didn’t know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand.

    I also didn’t know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed).

    I didn’t know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn’t supposed to have. The gun never left KENOSHA WISCONSIN, The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.

    I also didn’t realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater.

    I didn’t know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.

    IF THE MEDIA DID THEIR JOB… we would ALL have known this!”

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    “IF THE MEDIA DID THEIR JOB… we would ALL have known this!”

    Someone needs to sue the media for inciting violence across America. And yes its time for heads to roll. This leftist, socialist, communist violent agenda needs to end. It should have never gone this far.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Good post BK. I dont like how people point out that the people he shot were criminals though with a record. Rittenhouse didn’t know that for 1 and for 2 it has no bearing on the legality of his actions. Throughout this entire post all that’s been said is he was within his legal right. The mentioning of these two guys having a criminal record doesn’t follow along the same lines as being only concerned with the law. Its just a feel good add on. Last time I checked it’s not legal to shoot someone just because they have prior convictions so I don’t see why they continue to include that. Just more media manipulation. The rest is good and relevant information though

    Suzuki I agree the left wing media coverage has been irresponsible In this country but if you think for one second Tucker Carlson and fox news is anything different or better your head is buried in the sand.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    Good post BK. I dont like how people point out that the people he shot were criminals though with a record. Rittenhouse didn’t know that for 1 and for 2 it has no bearing on the legality of his actions. Throughout this entire post all that’s been said is he was within his legal right. The mentioning of these two guys having a criminal record doesn’t follow along the same lines as being only concerned with the law. Its just a feel good add on.

    Suzuki I agree the left wing media coverage has been irresponsible In this country but if you think for one second Tucker Carlson and fox news is anything different or better your head is buried in the sand.

    Tucker and FOX were the only ones following the evidence through the trial…so there is that..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Yea, I wouldn’t be so quick to throw Tucker in the same category. Its not even closed really.

    Posts: 302

    Good post BK. I dont like how people point out that the people he shot were criminals though with a record. Rittenhouse didn’t know that for 1 and for 2 it has no bearing on the legality of his actions. Throughout this entire post all that’s been said is he was within his legal right. The mentioning of these two guys having a criminal record doesn’t follow along the same lines as being only concerned with the law. Its just a feel good add on. Last time I checked it’s not legal to shoot someone just because they have prior convictions so I don’t see why they continue to include that. Just more media manipulation. The rest is good and relevant information though

    Suzuki I agree the left wing media coverage has been irresponsible In this country but if you think for one second Tucker Carlson and fox news is anything different or better your head is buried in the sand.


    One can agree that his actions were probably legal within the law and at the same time disagree with him going there with a fully loaded(FMJ) rifle in the first place.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    Good post BK. I dont like how people point out that the people he shot were criminals though with a record. Rittenhouse didn’t know that for 1 and for 2 it has no bearing on the legality of his actions. Throughout this entire post all that’s been said is he was within his legal right. The mentioning of these two guys having a criminal record doesn’t follow along the same lines as being only concerned with the law. Its just a feel good add on.

    Suzuki I agree the left wing media coverage has been irresponsible In this country but if you think for one second Tucker Carlson and fox news is anything different or better your head is buried in the sand.

    Tucker and FOX were the only ones following the evidence through the trial…so there is that..

    Of course they were because it served their purpose and advanced their narrative. Now how much did they cover stories that don’t? The same amount as CNN. Wake up people the media is all the same. The only difference is whether you like the BS they spin and tune in or not

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    Not in the news…

    FROM A LADY LIVING IN KENOSHA…..Her home town too.

    “I have watched the whole Rittenhouse case.
    I didn’t know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around.
    I didn’t know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed.

    I didn’t know that Kyles Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois.

    I didn’t know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him with lethal force to the head.

    I didn’t know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard.

    I didn’t know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand.

    I also didn’t know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed).

    I didn’t know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn’t supposed to have. The gun never left KENOSHA WISCONSIN, The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.

    I also didn’t realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater.

    I didn’t know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.

    IF THE MEDIA DID THEIR JOB… we would ALL have known this!”


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