Ripped Nail

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    My dog ripped a nail. It tore most of the outer hard layer leaving mostly just the quick and portions of nail. It bled a couple days. Its been about 5 days and no progress but hasnt gotten worse or swollen. She walks/runs on it fine. I clipped off any protruding nail. I assumed I would just wait it out and it would heal. Any reason or signs that say I should have the vet check it out? I cant hunt her this way and Im trying to slow her down which is impossible.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Keep your eyes peeled for swelling, puss, or if she’s constantly licking it, as these would be signs of infection. Biggest thing is to keep it clean. As with people, some dogs will heal quicker than others but I would think 1-2 weeks would be the norm. Can you email your vet with photos to see if they think it’s worth a visit? Some vets do that. I hope she heals up quick!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    My dogs would get so chewed up from their nails, pads of their feet, chest, etc.. I always gave them a break, but most of them would rather hunt than not. Only time I gave them much of a break is if they had sutures or staples. The licking noise drove everyone nutz when they were constantly healing. Indoor dogs too. GSPs mostly, add a Brittany and Drauthaur.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    Thanks. Hasn’t happened in a while. I’m just getting soft. I need to get her on Grouse this weekend!

    Posts: 3319

    Keep your eyes peeled for swelling, puss, or if she’s constantly licking it, as these would be signs of infection. Biggest thing is to keep it clean. As with people, some dogs will heal quicker than others but I would think 1-2 weeks would be the norm. Can you email your vet with photos to see if they think it’s worth a visit? Some vets do that. I hope she heals up quick!

    Add this to Sharon’s advice.
    Check for a bad smell from the foot. Indicates infection. You can buy a booty for your dogs foot so you could add an antiseptic and keep it clean.

    Posts: 513

    Soak in warm soapy water a couple times per day. If smelly or discharge get to the vet.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    as stated above, keep it clean. Then smear some Neosporin on any open wound and it will heal up much faster

    Posts: 338

    Had this too many times to count, most my dogs over couple yrs old are missing a nail or two. Liquid bandage can help the bleeding and protect the quick. I’ve never had to take one to vet, but have had to give antibiotics to a couple due to some infection starting.

    Over there
    Posts: 251

    Just had this happen to my dog earlier this year, took him to the vet and they cut the nail & quick back as short as it would go. That helped him from licking it to oblivion but they still sent home antibiotics as he wouldn’t leave it alone. Grew back fine over a few weeks and can’t hardly tell now. Just keep an eye on it, if need like other said take her in.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    Its doing well. Never infected. Still virtually no nail.

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