The DNR talks about Riparian Rights saying, “Minnesota case law has established that a public road abutting a body of water gives the public riparian rights to the water. Riparian rights exist whether or not the lake is navigable or public and regardless of who owns the bed. Riparians are entitled to exercise their rights over the entire surface of the lake. One riparian cannot keep others from using all of the lake.”
I have always played by the rule of “if you can get on the water or wetland area within 50feet from the center of the road” you are good to access a lake even if the shoreline is completely privately owned. I don’t believe I have ever violated this. However, I can’t find anywhere where this is the actual law.
Any help or knowledge would be much appreciated as I spend half of my winter searching small lakes/ponds in search of big gills (no not bigill from IDO :))