suzuki Woodbury, MnPosts: 19026 August 3, 2015 at 11:37 am #1557639 That’s a bummer. Those wrestlers sure dont seem to live long.
glenn57 cold spring mn/ itasca ctyPosts: 12976 August 3, 2015 at 3:58 pm #1557702 yea he was a piece of work…….loved watching him!!!!!
dfresh Fridley, MNPosts: 3053 August 3, 2015 at 4:08 pm #1557705 Definitely the best heel character ever. Also an excellent eye poker!
mplspug Palmetto, FloridaPosts: 25026 August 3, 2015 at 4:29 pm #1557712 Piper and Paul Orendorff were my favorite wrestlers.
Timmy Posts: 1283 August 3, 2015 at 6:15 pm #1557723 “Piper’s Pit” was one of the best talk shows I have ever seen. Helluva lot better than the view at least…..
joc Western and Central, NYPosts: 440 August 3, 2015 at 7:33 pm #1557731 I will miss Rowdy Roddy. I liked his weird movie as well, “They Live”. Man he had some great one liners in that movie. I just saw it after > 10 years, since a previous viewing.
glenn57 cold spring mn/ itasca ctyPosts: 12976 August 4, 2015 at 7:09 pm #1557917 maybe should be another thread but, just read that another pro wrestling legend is battling cancer. Jimmy, superfly, snuka has been reported to have stomach cancer. bummer….he was another cool guy to watch wrestle.
mplspug Palmetto, FloridaPosts: 25026 August 4, 2015 at 8:01 pm #1557922 …snuka…another favorite. I swear I don’t have many favorites either.