Shot my buck this year with a 130 TMK (tipped match king) handload out of the 6.5 creed and it absolutely hammered him. Top of heart gone, lungs shredded, and a nice 50 cent sized exit. Perfect performance.
There is a 65 or so page thread on the Rokslide forum of guys tipping game over at ranges longer than pretty much all of us shoot (elk and the like up to and including 600+ yards) with match bullets out of 6.5s, 6s, and even hotrod 22 cartridges like the 22 creedmoor.
The primary thing to consider with match bullets is that YMMV heavily depending on the specific projectile. There are tons of success stories with projectiles like the 130 TMK, 130/140/147 eldm, or most of the Berger offerings. HOWEVER, I would absolutely NOT shoot game with something like a 142 SMK.
End of the day, do your research and put it in the boiler room. We’re blessed to be living in an age with tons of great bullets for pretty much all of the popular cartridges.
