Ridgeline fishhouse

  • Bigredstorm
    Posts: 10

    I was wondering if anyone has one and the likes and dislikes. Havn’t seen one in person and was wondering about the axel setup looking to haul a 4 wheeler and then pull it with atv on the lake.

    Posts: 3010

    had a friend who had one for a couple years, we hauled ATV from the cities to Leech and back several times, no problems … pulls pretty easy and light on the ice too

    have you looked at All Season Sports Trailer? In my opinion, the easiest to pull with the ATV

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Friends of mine fish out of one, they are fast on the ice and pull nice with even a 500cc wheeler. I fished out of it a couple times and was impressed at how fast we could move spots. QB

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    There great houses super light warm and very portable!

    Posts: 10

    Thanks I will have to drive over to minnesota to look at them and I will have to decide on which size.In Sd all you every see is ice castle or lodges but I am looking for something a lot lighter.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    I like the set up of them too, it’s a long drive to look at them so all these comments help. Keep them coming if possible, thinking about getting one.

    Posts: 2596

    Ok, mini cargo trailer, ATV carrier and garage, and a fish house. Is that all you are looking for out of it, or do also desire a small heated camper. If no desire as a camper then the Ridgeline is as good as any, but if camping is going to be a higher priority then I would look at a little larger unit like Firebrand or Yetti.

    D. Walker
    Lakeville MN
    Posts: 25

    I have a Ridgeline but I went with the skid house. I sold a wheeled house to get this one. You will have guys debate forever about the wheel house VS skid but the bottom line for me is that I want to fish where I want to fish. Once we get over a foot of snow with some drifts all the wheel houses are confined to the plowed roads on the ice.

    I bought the custom Aluma trailer which is a modified 2-place snowmobile trailer and I can crank the house up onto the trailer with one hand. Really simple. I had this one built with large toy hauler rear doors with an 8′ ceiling so I can run a side by side up the back of it when I am towing on the highway.

    My Ridgeline is 8X12 with a 2’V in front. It weighs in at about 800 lbs or so. It is Crazy easy to run-n-gun with a hardside!! grin I am going to finish the interior this summer with some thin tongue and groove pine and some cabinets and that will add a couple hundred pounds.

    I pull it with a chained up ATV unless the snow gets real deep then I use my Polaris Wide Track snowmobile. It has an enormous studded track and a low range gear box for pulling.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    I’ve got the cargo trailer now, it is set up for fishing and hunting shack. Just thinking of getting something lighter and being able to drop down on the ice.

    Posts: 22

    I have the house QB mentioned. Feel free to message me and I can answer questions for you. I live in NW Iowa if you want to take a look.

    Posts: 22

    Here is a picture

    1. image19.jpg

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