Ride-on mower, zero turn, or ATV for lawn work

  • queenswake
    Posts: 1166

    We are about to move to a house with a yard large enough that the push mower is no longer going to do it. I also need to be able to move stuff via trailer between the front and back of the house on a slope.

    Zero turn, while better for mowing, is likely out just because of the lack of towing ability. So that leaves me with Ride-on. Can a ride-on manage towing a trailer up and down a slope? I wouldn’t be towing anything too heavy, but just say maybe a 4×8 utility trailer. Or should I look at the ATV for doing that towing job? Will the ATV’s tires cut up the grass?

    Snow removal is less of a concern since I don’t have a ton of driveway so I can manage.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Unless you have a fairly good sized yard a zero turn will be overkill.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    How large of a yard are we talking? To some .5 acre is large, while others mow down a few acres as yard.

    Posts: 433

    I would get a ride on for multi-use abilities. There are probably several options out there with higher towing capabilities. I have a little mowing business and am upgrading to a standup zero-turn so I will be able to fit in more yards with my schedule next year. I do it by myself and the amount of money for the hours and work is pretty crazy when you get 100 percent of the profits. Mowings just enjoyable in general.

    Posts: 3319

    I would get a lawn tractor. ATV will definitely tear up your yard if your turning radius is small.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I would get a lawn tractor. ATV will definitely tear up your yard if your turning radius is small.

    hit the nail on the head

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    JD x500 series or x700 series would probably be your best bet. Be sure to get the turf tires as they actually have solid traction in most conditions and don’t rip up grass when you turn.

    Zero turns are great for flat, smooth areas. They do beat you up a bit too though which gets old if your yard is rough…and offer no decent towing setup that you mention. They also spin out fairly easily on hills. Our yard has a real steep slope, not just a gentle slope and the commercial zero turns we tried on it just wouldn’t stay hooked up.

    An ATV is definitely going to rip up your lawn and is just another machine to store/maintain.

    Posts: 24668

    ATV will tear up the yard for sure unless it has an open rear diff which most do not. A small honda might be good, but like has been said then you are just maintaining and storing another piece of equipment. Regarding a riding tractor you will need to get a beefier model than what you can typically get at a box store (wouldnt recommend one of them anyway) because their transmissions just wont handle it.

    Posts: 1583

    if there is lots to mow around a zero turn can chew through turf pretty good.

    the advantage of a zero turn though is speed. and once you get good, you can do little damage on hills.

    I ran a JD X500 series tractor for 4 years on a 2 acre mow but recently began using a exmark zero turn and while I enjoy it, my wife refuses to use it so i’m basically it.

    a X700 series should be able to tow a lightly loaded trailer with little effort. the X500 I doubt it.

    IMO i’d rather have a sxs than a 4 wheeler. my polaris has the ability to open the rear diff so that you don’t have the rear tires chewing things up. I believe they come on some models of 4 wheelers too. that will keep you from tearing up the yard.

    Posts: 3319

    if there is lots to mow around a zero turn can chew through turf pretty good.

    the advantage of a zero turn though is speed. and once you get good, you can do little damage on hills.

    I ran a JD X500 series tractor for 4 years on a 2 acre mow but recently began using a exmark zero turn and while I enjoy it, my wife refuses to use it so i’m basically it.

    a X700 series should be able to tow a lightly loaded trailer with little effort. the X500 I doubt it.

    IMO i’d rather have a sxs than a 4 wheeler. my polaris has the ability to open the rear diff so that you don’t have the rear tires chewing things up. I believe they come on some models of 4 wheelers too. that will keep you from tearing up the yard.

    My Honda Pioneer SxS has the open/turf mode rear diff. it will still tear up the yard if you are not careful.

    I’m running a JD 738 AWD mower and snowblower. Works great but likes its ⛽️.

    Posts: 1583

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>hnd wrote:</div>
    if there is lots to mow around a zero turn can chew through turf pretty good.

    the advantage of a zero turn though is speed. and once you get good, you can do little damage on hills.

    I ran a JD X500 series tractor for 4 years on a 2 acre mow but recently began using a exmark zero turn and while I enjoy it, my wife refuses to use it so i’m basically it.

    a X700 series should be able to tow a lightly loaded trailer with little effort. the X500 I doubt it.

    IMO i’d rather have a sxs than a 4 wheeler. my polaris has the ability to open the rear diff so that you don’t have the rear tires chewing things up. I believe they come on some models of 4 wheelers too. that will keep you from tearing up the yard.

    My Honda Pioneer SxS has the open/turf mode rear diff. it will still tear up the yard if you are not careful.

    I’m running a JD 738 AWD mower and snowblower. Works great but likes its ⛽️.

    I have pretty aggressive tires on our ranger and its way better with the diff open than closed but yeah, if you have teenage girls like I do, it likely doesn’t matter.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    A riding mower will be much better than an ATV for general bigger lawn use. I have a small yard so I use a 30″ push and have my 90CC Honda ATV for cleanup, gardening and other general uses.

    I had an old Craftsman rider at one point. I even used it a few times to haul my ice house from the back to the front…It worked, but sounded like I was beating a Pterodactyl.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    I have a zero turn for mowing but have a big yard and I don’t really like mowing or yard work so I like to get it done fast. A rider would be the way to go if you want more multi use. Not that a zero turn cant tow a small yard trailer around but you could always add a snow blower and what not to a rider. My old man would tow his 18′ crestliner to the back yard with his rider and I dont think it had more than a 23hp in it.

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