Rhino Monster Box

  • candofish
    Turtle Lake wi
    Posts: 113

    Where can I purchase a Monster box close to Minneapolis. I know Reeds has them but they are farther than I want to drive and shipping cost quite a bit. Any ideas would be appreciated. I live in Turtle Lake, WI so any suggestions would be great,

    Steve Thompson
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Posts: 185


    First, you could check the Otter website under dealers and give those a call in your area to see who has one in stock. If that fails, the Rhino Monster Boxes can be purchased directly from Otter. They are made in Maple Lake, Minn which is northwest of Minneapolis and would save you on shipping.


    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Your not going to find Maple Lake east of the cities. Its an hours drive north west.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Your not going to find Maple Lake east of the cities. Its an hours drive north west.

    Steve Thompson
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Posts: 185

    Your not going to find Maple Lake east of the cities. Its an hours drive north west.

    Good catch Mookie. Yes, it’s northwest of the cities, southeast of St Cloud. Must have had something else on my mind when I was writing that.

    Turtle Lake wi
    Posts: 113

    Thanks guys. I just called Reeds Sports and they have them on sale for $229.00 plus about $25.00 to ship. I am going to order from them. Great price even with shipping.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469


    Reeds can offer a great rate, there is no denying that. But I assure you that what it cannot offer, is the quality of experience you will get from Maple Lake. Hungry? No worries, we have a Subway. Thirsty? Fantastic, we have a number of quality watering holes. Dog has the scoots? Great, we have a vet clinic too. Not to mention, no where else in the world can you see where otter sleds and Bernatello’s pizza are made. A real 2 for 1 trip if you ask me. And don’t forget to fill the pick-up before you leave, where you’ll be able to buy a firearm while you wait in line to pay.

    Posts: 9281

    Sounds like you work for the Maple Lake chamber of commerce….

    Steve Thompson
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Posts: 185

    Mookie, that’s an awesome plug for Maple Lake but I have to ask… the pizza. When I was at Otter last year, they brought in pizza for us that was oozing with cheese and tasted incredible. Is there another pizza place or do you think that was it?

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Madigans Pub, they have great pizza. I’d stay away from anything else there though.

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