My brother bought a new house and land this spring in Wisconsin. I helped him clear out some areas and prep them for Soybeans. After they got planted they just didn’t do very well. I think they got over-browsed from the get go. I wish I had a lot more pictures to share the whole process of everything but I didn’t take the time to take pictures. The beginning of August came around and we decided to broadcast Frigid Forage Big n Beasty over top of the beans in hope that we could salvage the food plot for the fall. We decided to just broadcast over them because although the beans didn’t do as well as we hoped, they still did well enough to supply some forage for the deer and I don’t think there is a better crop to plant for their attraction.
Long story short, the BnB grew like a weed. I’m actually astonished at how well it grew for just being broadcasted. No fertilizer either, as the soil samples showed it being too high in nitrogen. Here are a few pictures! Now hopefully some big guys start showing up this fall!