• Justin riegel
    Posts: 980

    Stayed at West Bay Resort. Cabin was clean and set up nice, plenty of room for 5 guys, also nice to have AC as it was hot.

    Fishing was also hot seemed the best bite for us was in 7-15 fow with crawler harnesses. I would say we easily caught a 100 plus eyes as a group each day. best bite times were 8am to 10am and 6pm to 8pm. Alot of fish 13 inches and under, but limits of 15-20 inchers were pretty easy to come by. For me anything green, white, pink or chartruese worked for a blade. a good amount of pike as well in the 22-26 inch range with a few in the low thirties. Only a couple eyes over 20 inches, 23 being the biggest. First time up there so I feel like i only learned 1/100,000th of the lake, but I definitely will be going back next year. We did try leadcore for 3 hours one day in the 25-30 fow range and picked up a few shorts, lots of white bass and one jumbo perch.

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