Replacing Otter Fabric

  • szopinski6
    Posts: 14

    I can confirm the xt1200 fabric fits my old otter wild black camo sled (cottage). Super pumped!

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    Old shack

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    Posts: 15

    Well I measured my old Otter 2 shack today, dimensions close but not right on. My height was 2 inches shorter and depth was 4 inches shorter than the xt650 specs I found. Length was the same. So it would be too big I think, fabic too loose maybe. Oh well, so close…

    Posts: 130

    I can confirm the xt1200 fabric fits my old otter wild black camo sled (cottage). Super pumped!

    Thats awesome, especially since for the cottage the 1200 canvas was only $75. They wanted $175 for the 1200 cabin otherwise i might have tried it. To be honest I’m a little surprised it isn’t too tight, sometimes it pays to gamble.

    Posts: 14

    Yeah I was surprised too! I thought for sure that I would have to be doing a little modification. It honestly fits better than my camo canvas which was a little on the tight side.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2216

    Thanks to the OP and those that commented on this thread. I finally verified for myself that the xt650 canvas does fit the the Wild 2 frame. I might of resembled a monkey and a football putting it together, but I couldn’t be happier. Well worth the $75!!

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    Posts: 4524

    The people at Otter be like why are we selling so many of these covers? LOL
    I got mine and just waiting to put on the Black camo Cabin. Thanks for the heads up

    Posts: 57

    Well, I pulled the trigger on the Cottage 1200 canvas this morning. I have an old Otter Perch that I believe is the same as the Wild Cottage and then the same as the new Cottage? Measurements are awfully close and it appears that everyone else here had measurements that were off by an inch or two and they fit fine… Guess I will find out for $75 bucks.

    I got this Otter Perch for $100 brand new about 15 years ago (??) when they discontinued them. If this canvas fits I have a sweet new shack for $75!

    Trevor Hebel
    Roseau, MN
    Posts: 36

    I have an older Otter Wild 3 bench seat (Orange and Black) I am curious if the XT650 Lodge canvas will fit over that? I would think it would because it’s the wild series tub not the slimmer pro tub. Has anyone tried this? Any input would be appreciated.

    Posts: 130

    I have an older Otter Wild 3 bench seat (Orange and Black) I am curious if the XT650 Lodge canvas will fit over that? I would think it would because it’s the wild series tub not the slimmer pro tub. Has anyone tried this? Any input would be appreciated.

    I can’t imagine it wouldn’t fit, it seems that everyone that has tried the xt650 replacement on an old wild has had success.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    I replaced my Wild 3 canvas with the XT 650 lodge skin without an issue.

    Trevor Hebel
    Roseau, MN
    Posts: 36

    Awesome! Thank you so much!

    Joshua haaf
    Posts: 5

    Hey I know this is a long shot but does anyone have a extra xt cabin either the xt650 or the thermal one! Thanks!

    Posts: 5

    Are the wild sleds different than the otter 2 sleds? I have a green resort on a otter 2 sled with square poles, will the new canvases fit?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Lol mine’s an older Cabelas, I wonder what would fit mine lol

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    Posts: 674

    Lol mine’s an older Cabelas, I wonder what would fit mine lol

    Just needs some strategic duct tape to be good as new.

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