Repeal the AIS Test & trailer Sticker Law

  • carroll58
    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    If you read what I wrote, it was some ideas, trying to see what most like or dislike. From this posting and those on the Facebook page and a couple other fishing/outdoors forums here is what I see most common:

    Yes, I got it, Very few want to spend anymore dollars, FREE.
    Wrap any law/legal requirement into the Watercraft License Registration.
    No Test or just Optional.

    More questions/complaints:
    How do we educate the Dock & Lift Owners?
    Discussions with a few, suggestion came out that include them in any language
    basically saying when you sign for Watercraft License that you understand and
    agree to abide by the current state law, includes best practices for
    prevention of A.I.S. transportation. Since very few own a dock without
    owning a watercraft and anyone buying/owning a Lift would also own a
    watercraft. Thus anyone transporting a Dock or Lift would have already
    signed on Watercraft Registration and thus agreed to abide by the law
    requiring 21-days out of water before transporting/placing in new waters.

    I’ll discuss these and other ideas and see what they’ll agree to, but letting them know that No Fee and No Mandatory test are strong points.

    Maybe since the MnDNR is so set on Education, that anyone caught Violating the Law, then as first Warning/Fine be required to take the Test.

    How does that sound?

    Posts: 1890

    Anytime I have been in to renew registration I have always been asked if I wanted the new regulations handbook. It is my responsibility along with anyone else on the water to know the regs. The information is already readily available.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Register docks and lifts if they are concerned about zebs and are totally sure these are bad.

    basically saying when you sign for Watercraft License that you understand and
    agree to abide by the current state law, includes best practices for
    prevention of A.I.S. transportation.

    See Dbright’s post.

    Carrol, it’s been said before… but I’ll point it out again.

    Christmas Lake had the strictest, most enforced AIS laws in the NATION and it was contaminated. Not to mention the most publicized.

    It’s already against the law to transport AIS? Do we need another law to enforce the first law?

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Register docks and lifts if they are concerned about zebs and are totally sure these are bad.

    basically saying when you sign for Watercraft License that you understand and
    agree to abide by the current state law, includes best practices for
    prevention of A.I.S. transportation.

    See Dbright’s post.

    Carrol, it’s been said before… but I’ll point it out again.

    Christmas Lake had the strictest, most enforced AIS laws in the NATION and it was contaminated. Not to mention the most publicized.

    It’s already against the law to transport AIS? Do we need another law to enforce the first law?

    It’s all about Education. Not really for Sportsmen, but more the 2-3 weekend a year recreational boaters. Whatever they do though has to include everyone or they are not ticketing and looking at everyone equally and the Law Enforcement gets accused of Profiling. I see nothing wrong with Profiling as it would save many taxpayer dollars in targeting the Criminal and not the law abiding people.

    Yes, I agree, we don’t need another Law, but the DNR and Legislature is going to do something.

    Registering Docks and Lifts would get about as much backlash as this Trailer Law.

    What do you suggest?

    If there change the language on the paper we sign when registering to put the responsibility on the watercraft owner, thus dock & lift owners, there then is no excuse for violations.

    Do they give warnings first?
    Sorry, if someone is trailering a boat, dock, lift with visible weeds or other A.I.S. then they deserve a ticket. Drop an Zebra Mussel infested watercraft, dock or lift into an uninfested lake, Game is over pretty much for that lake. Now, I did say visible, and I believe that definition needs to be written into the law as say a minimum of 3″-4″ of weeds. As otherwise it’s up to the Inspector or Law Enforcement Officer on interpretation.

    I would like suggestions on what is acceptable.

    PS: Here is my reminder card from the MnDNR for my boat registration, Oh, ya, that reminds me, I need to go get my license renewed.

    1. 20150127_221443.jpg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Guess you didn’t like my answer.

    A law to make people aware of a law. coffee

    Hey Abbott! Who’s on first?

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    “What do you suggest?”

    Has anyone read the boating guide offered by the DNR? Well, a 2 1/2 small page snippet talking about AIS starting on page 21 half way down the page after a small snippet about toilets. Really the objective is about information on AIS? I don’t understand how toilets get a better billing AIS.

    Hows this for a suggestion. Rather than this test/ decall fee that looks like their going to try to push though redesigned.
    How about this signature idea stating you read the newly redesigned boating guide and understand that the boat owner/personal watercraft/ dock owners understands the already laws in effect and abide by them. Also any boat registration renewal must accept boating guide, no refusal. And any fishing license renewal must be offered the guide

    The new boating guide should be in 2 in 1 book formula. Each book of seperat page color seperating them apart. Id suggest first book be a comprehensive narative explaining the laws and suggestions to combat AIS and description of said AIS. Also taking from the fishing guide list of infected lakes.

    Front page sating in bold load letters stating all boat owners/pesonal watercraft/dock owners are responsible in knowing what is written and must abide by the laws. To add reduncy “Its the law” on the cover.

    Second book will cover the rest of the important stuff, even toilets on a boat.

    How is that for a start?

    How about informational signs and litature given to bait shops and marinas . The already $5 ais fee should cover that.
    As for better signage at the ramps the counties can pay for that with their share of the $10,000,000 alreay allocated to them for AIS.

    We don’t need a test to prove were not dumb, the stupid and irresponsible will always be that but the dumb will learn if given direction and a chance to do so.
    Like I say I may be dumb at least I’m not stupid.

    Another thing docksflifts should be licensed. To assume all docks have a boat to go with it is a bad assumption and is not true. The fee should be a fair and nominal just so to cover those docks that do not have a watercraft to go with it and they get the information to them without overburdening the ones that have watercraft on their docks/lifts.

    The redesigned boating guide

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    How about the DNR take a tactic like our public safety oficials and release topics periodically to the media, news stations to be covered as stories to get the information out. Something like boaters are under informed as to the effects of AIS showing a guy leaving a ramp with weeds on it then being pulled over.
    Seems to work for Dwi and road crew safety or safety of our state troopers. These news stations dont report the same story on the same day by sheer coincidence.

    Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186

    Considering that our state loves stickers and feels that adding them to boats or trailers will solve all problems, here is my suggestion.

    We all know the DNR has a large presence with their check stations located at public boat launches throughout the state. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Lets give those inspectors a stack of stickers. When they inspect a boat that that they find in full compliance with the AIS laws, they will place their sticker on the trailer indicating that the owner of this boat/trailer understands the laws regarding AIS. Going forward, any trailer sporting the sticker will no longer have to submit to inspections at check stations. If it makes lawmakers feel better, they could put an expiration date on the stickers so that in a few years, the owner of that boat/trailer could be inspected again. Any future violations of the AIS laws would result in penalties already on the books as well as revocation of the sticker. Accepting the sticker would be voluntary, but without the sticker, your boat/trailer would be subject to continued inspections.

    Posts: 3010

    ^ there was a time when that’s exactly how it was done

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    I had an opportunity to introduce myself to Tom Landwehr, Commissioner of the MnDNR last Saturday.

    He looked at me and said your name sounds familiar but I cannot place you. I reminded him of the Repeal the Sticker Facebook page then he remembered.

    We had a good short conversation as this was at the State of Minnesota JOB FAIR in the New $90 Million Dollar Senate Office Building, over crowded with many a number of people waiting to speak with him.

    Any ideas or concerns for Outdoors Sports & Conservation Legislation for this coming year?

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