Repairing neoprene waders?

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I have Colombia neoprene waders that I really like. However the seams are leaking really bad. I did the goop when it was just a small spot, but now the flood gates have opened up. Anyone have a method for sealing large areas like an entire seam down the inner leg? They are in great shape otherwise and seems crazy to buy new

    Daniel Turner
    Posts: 58

    If Goop doesn’t fix them, they’re shot. You can try pressing it into the material with a popsicle stick or something to help it penetrate and seal better.

    In my experience, Columbia makes great coats and snow pants, but you need to leave the waders to a different company like LaCrosse.

    Posts: 9285

    I don’t remember if it was talked about here or if I just found it doing a Google search because mine leak also. There is a product made for scuba diving. Sounds like it was more if a paste that you spread on. Not sure if you have a scuba shop in your area. Maybe someone else will jump in. I tried Flexseal on a seam but it didn’t stay thick enough to work. Maybe I needed to try the whole can, not sure.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I had a similar issue. Goop worked for a while but gave up after a few trips. I removed the goop and put Aquaseal down (I used rubbing alcohol to clean the contact areas). It looks like Goop but works way better. My repair is going on three years now. Consider giving Aquaseal a shot.

    Posts: 2218

    Try this if you can find it. It will work.

    1. 1479091828103-830840199.jpg

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