Removing Old Boat Decals

  • Rich Stuhr
    South Dakota
    Posts: 30

    I am sure this topic has been discussed before in this forum but can’t find any recent threads on it. I recently purchased a used Pro V that is in immaculate condition and don’t want to screw up the paint job when I remove the old registration decals and put my new ones on. Pretty sure I can get the old ones off with a blow dryer and plastic scraper but is there a better way? Also, what kind of solvent is recommended to remove any sticky residue left over without damaging the finish? Thanks in advance!

    Posts: 6623

    You can try goo-gone first, but I’ve had better luck with rubbing alcohol (it’s a little harsher though)

    Congrats on the new boat!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    I’ve used the eraser wheels that body shops use to remove stripes from cars & trucks. It also takes off the black marks bow rollers leave on hulls. Just lock it in the jaws of your electric or battery operated drill.

    Some body guy here can give you the name of the thing.

    Posts: 5135

    I first try scraping a corner with a finger nail and slowly pulling it off. If its just a vinyl most should come off.

    If its on good the a heat gun and fingernail.

    Then rubbing or denatured alcohol to remove any remaining adhesive.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Most OTC solvents used to take off the adhesive also take off any wax that was on the hull/paint, so rubbing little wax on afterwards to bring the shine back.

    Forrest Melton
    Alexandria, MN
    Posts: 61

    I’ve had really good luck with 3M adhesive remover. It will take any wax coating off also, though .

    1. 09EBE688-0D34-49D1-8DBC-A24B0F6CD5DA.jpeg

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5129

    Yeah, heat gun for the decal and solvent or the 3M remover if there is residue.

    You’ll have to likely wax the whole boat as the paint under the decals will be pristine.

    Rich Stuhr
    South Dakota
    Posts: 30

    Thanks for all of the advice. I’ll be putting my new registration decals right where the old ones were so they should cover up the brighter finish again.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    just a little tip what I did because stickers are so hard to get off. I went to local vinyl decal store and had pieces cut 1/8 to 1/4 wider than registration sticker that matched color of boat and applied sticker to the vinyl. Then when I need to replace registration I peel the vinyl, so much easier.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Utah has started using a sticker/decal that barely lasts the year before starting to peel off on its own.

    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    I use Oops! Takes off decals and stickers but won’t clean surrounding dirt

    Posts: 491

    I would try a hair dryer before the heat gun just in case you get a little crazy with applying heat. A heat gun can damage paint.

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    Most times I can peel them off. Charcoal lighter fluid is my go to solvent for removing “stuff”. Denatured alcohol for final clean before decals/paint. I have 12 boats.

    Posts: 6623

    And here I thought I had a “problem”

    Most times I can peel them off. Charcoal lighter fluid is my go to solvent for removing “stuff”. Denatured alcohol for final clean before decals/paint. I have 12 boats.

    woot woot woot

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4317

    Most times I can peel them off. Charcoal lighter fluid is my go to solvent for removing “stuff”. Denatured alcohol for final clean before decals/paint. I have 12 boats.

    How big is your storage shed?

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 432

    Just a reminder to check your regulations on decal location. I made the mistake of putting new decals in the same location as the previous owner without thinking much of it. The DNR later told me that it was in the wrong order.

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