Removable Digger Mount on ATV Composite Rack

  • Brandon Perry
    Posts: 9

    So I’ve been trying to find ways to make the Digger Auger mount quickly removable on a Polaris Sportsman composite rack. I have a small enclosed trailer that my atv barely fits in, and to get the atv in and out, I need to crawl over the back rack. This was difficult with my digger mount permanently mounted to the composite back rack. I didn’t want to put the auger mount in the front, so I came up with a way to make it quickly removable without losing sturdiness.

    You will need the following materials:

    -(2) Threaded knob: I have two sets. One of them is the star knob pictured below and the other is the bar knob pictured below. Both are 5/16” threads ($2.50 each)

    -(2) 5/16” Threaded rod: the 3” rod pictured below worked for me. Size may vary depending on your vehicle. ($2.50 each)

    -(2) 5/16” Brad Hole Tee Nut ($0.80 each)

    -Cold Weather, exterior grade adhesive ($4.00)

    First, line up your digger mount on the composite rack and mark the holes from the mount onto the composite rack. I used a 3/8” drill bit to drill my holes on the composite rack. Next, take your tee nut and insert the barrel/thread through the hole from the bottom. The base of the tee nut should be underneath the composite rack (use adhesive to hold in place) and the barrel/threads should be facing upwards. Take the threaded rod and insert it into the threaded knob. I used JB Weld to secure it. Take this knob bolt, insert the bolt through the mount and screw it into the tee nut. Repeat this process on both sides of the mount.

    This holds the mount and auger nice and secure. I can quick remove this auger mount when I need to load/unload the atv.

    Hope this helps anyone trying to do the same thing as me. I’ll add some pictures of it on the atv when I get a chance.

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    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    That’s a great idea! waytogo

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Curious as to why not on the front rack?

    Brandon Perry
    Posts: 9

    The only reason is I just want a clear sight line while driving and thought the auger in the front would be in my line of sight. Just a personal preference.

    Brandon Perry
    Posts: 9

    I also made the mount removable for my snowmobile. Now I can easily transfer the mount from my snowmobile to ATV depending on which vehicle I’d like to use. I used a corner brace from menards, attaches it to the front bar of my snowmobile, and used JB weld to attach a tee nut to the bracket. I can use the same knob bolt to screw the mount in to the braces. Very sturdy.

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    Posts: 188

    I use the digger expandable rubber plugs the fit into the Sportsman plastic rack holes. “Wrench n ride” I think they call it. Works decent but would be rock solid if it fit into 4 holes instead of 2.

    Brandon Perry
    Posts: 9

    Jake, i completely agree. I started with the exact same thing. I didn’t like how much wiggle there was with the auger with the lock and ride plugs. If I’m putting a $500 auger on my mount, I want to be certain it isn’t falling off on my ride. This set-up is rock solid and is barely even noticeable on the rack.

    Posts: 188

    Jake, i completely agree. I started with the exact same thing. I didn’t like how much wiggle there was with the auger with the lock and ride plugs. If I’m putting a $500 auger on my mount, I want to be certain it isn’t falling off on my ride. This set-up is rock solid and is barely even noticeable on the rack.

    Good to know. I was also worried about my expensive auger. It lasted all of last season but I wasn’t making any long trips with it. Since I don’t have any welding skills to turn mine into a “4 plugger” I think I’ll give this a go, if it’s as solid as you say. Thanks for the write up, looks perfect!

    Posts: 94

    I used a digger auger rack,couple pieces of scrap aluminum and some generic lock n ride clamps off amazon to make mine.

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