Remi’s Surgery Today

  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    My sweet Remi is in for surgery today to remove a fatty tumor on the side of his abdomen. It’s been slowly growing growing for a while and it’s finally time for it to be removed. He wasn’t happy about having to skip breakfast this morning, but I told him it was the doctor’s orders. I may have cried a little when I dropped him off. Now we are just waiting to hear how it went from the vet and whether we can pick him up tonight or tomorrow. If he still needs drainage tubes they’ll keep him overnight, as they don’t send them home with the drainage tubes still in place.

    1. Good-boy-Remi-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 24956

    Good luck REmi! SOrry its stressful for you mom!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Hope for the best!


    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Hope it all goes well. It’s probably harder on us then it is them.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2104

    all the best to both of you!!!

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 950

    Hope he has a speedy recovery!

    Posts: 13046

    I bet he will be just fine and back to normal in no time.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Thanks everyone for all your support and messages! Remi is out of surgery and doing well!!

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    What a handsome dog. Glad the procedure was a success.

    Posts: 2872

    I’m sure he will be back on his paws in no time.Fingers crossed and a little prayer for Remi.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    He’s home and resting and we got him to take his meds, though he wasn’t feeling up to any bites of dinner yet. It’s such a comfort to wrap him in his bed and hear him snore.

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    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4389

    Glad it went well. Also glad it was only a fatty tumor and not cancer. It’s always tough on mom also.
    Get well Remi.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    glad to hear it went well sharon. its never fun watching them go thru stuff like that

    out of curiosity, how much did your vet charge to remove that fatty tumor? my older dog has the same thing on her side and my vet quoted me something like $10k to remove it. My jaw was on the floor after getting that estimate. I’ve been meaning to switch vets for a while now but with the vet shortage, its hard to find somewhere reputable thats accepting new clients.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    10k?? Yikes I would definitely try to find a new vet! The vet bill was $1,270 and that includes the anesthesia, the surgical procedure, both take home meds, and a nail trim while he was out. I figured it would be over a grand just based on the last surgery Remi had so I was prepared for it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    10k?? Yikes I would definitely try to find a new vet! The vet bill was $1,270 and that includes the anesthesia, the surgical procedure, both take home meds, and a nail trim while he was out. I figured it would be over a grand just based on the last surgery Remi had so I was prepared for it.

    That’s about ball park what my mom paid for hers as well.
    Glad surgery went well

    Posts: 2873

    Dang, I wouldn’t be surprised at 5-10k, seeing that a deep dental cleaning can be easily 500 bucks.

    Pets are absolutely not cheap. Bet we’ve got 18-20k into our 7 year old lab already.

    Poor sweet boy. Hope he heals up quickly for you Sharon. He’s a cutie.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2104

    how’s the pooch doing today?? better I hope!!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    Dang, I wouldn’t be surprised at 5-10k, seeing that a deep dental cleaning can be easily 500 bucks.

    Pets are absolutely not cheap. Bet we’ve got 18-20k into our 7 year old lab already.

    Poor sweet boy. Hope he heals up quickly for you Sharon. He’s a cutie.

    That’s wild. I guess I’ve been lucky with my dogs. They only go when needed and that’s pretty much never. I might have a grand in to them over 12 years.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4389

    My dog had a tooth removed this summer. Procedure, anesthesia, nail trim, meds, and follow up visit was $700. Last year had a cancerous lump and lymph gland removed from her hind leg. The surgery, anesthesia, meds, pathology report from IS Vet School, follow up visit was $1500.
    My Vet also gives a 10% Senior Discount. I have used the same Vet Service for 25 years. The original Vet is no longer there but his 1st partner is still there. There are 6 Vets now, all women. It is an all small animal practice that just went through an addition and major remodeling job. I know annual check up and office calls just went up 10%. I am happy with our service and non emergency appointments usually are 2 to 3 weeks wait time.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    how’s the pooch doing today?? better I hope!!!

    Well he slept through the night and even ate a little scoop of breakfast this morning, so that’s good! His pain meds are keeping him kinda loopy which is fine with me. As soon as he’s off the meds it will be harder to keep him calm and resting while he heals.

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    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2104

    that’s great Sharon!!!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Super glad to hear he’s on the mend!!

    Funny story with my dog. When I brought him in to get fixed, vet said he’d stay overnight rotflol yea at 4 that afternoon they called me to come get him, he wasn’t happy there and was causing quite the ruckus!!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Pet insurance….

    I’ve had it before and it’s not always the best option. You still have to pay the vet upfront with most pet insurance policies. The plan we had Remi on for years would have reimbursed 80% of the service after the $500 deductible. So they would have reimbursed $616 of the $1,270 vet bill. Which doesn’t sound bad until you add up the monthly premiums for the plan which I think are usually $50-$60 a month, depending on numerous factors. It wouldn’t have been worth it. Unless you have a young active/working pup who’s only going to be on pet insurance for a couple of years it’s better to put the premium cost into a savings account instead.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    I love the moose blanket!

    Posts: 338

    Glad to hear he’s doing well. He is definitely well taken care of and a lucky dog.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    i am sure you spoiled Remi to the point he is probably soaking it all in as long as possible. i hope the recovery goes well! looks like he is well cared for no doubt!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Today is day 4 post-op and Remi is doing well! Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes for our sweet boy. His energy is back and he already wants to romp and play, but we need to keep him calm and avoid any activities that could agitate or stretch his incision. His pain meds make him a little sleepy near administer time so that’s at least a little helpful. He’s wearing the cone of shame to avoid him licking the area and he doesn’t much care for the cone, but we don’t need him messing with those staples!

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    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Great news, Sharon!


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