Refinishing old 870 Wingmaster

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My dad was given this guns 50+ years ago. I want to get it refinished for him as a retirement gift. Note the odd adjustable choke system.

    My options are get it dipped or go with the classic look. I’m leaning towards classic even though dad has hinted he wants something “cool”.

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    2. IMG_20150110_102356629.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    The odd adjustable choke is called a polychoke and it wasn’t all that odd from about the late 40s to about 1970. Instead of a screw in choke, it was essentially a thread on choke. In fact, it’s kind of the bane of my existance as far as finding nice specimins of used guns in this vintage that DON’T have one. It seemed like everybody wanted to install one during these 3 decades.

    IMO, a classic gun deserves a classic look. They were what they were, what would the point in moderizing it be? Why not just buy a new gun and leave the old guy alone?

    Also, with family guns and any other heirloom that has a story, I’m always inclined never to do anything that cannot be undone. With guns, I alwasy feel that I owe it to the orignal owner not to do anything that changes it’s story. Maitain, yes, but alter? No.

    A high quality rebluing job, chase the checkering, and refinish the stock, and that will get that shotgun ready for the next 50-75 years. It puts it in context, the next time that shotgun will need refinishing, it may well be by your great grandchildren.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I knew you could give me some background on this gun! My heart says to get it re-done as close to factory as possible.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Finish it to look like the day it first came out of the box.

    Central SD
    Posts: 109

    A buddy of mine used to hunt with one when I was growing up in Michigan. The only other option at that time was to buy a whole new barrel with a different choke. Have not seen a poly choke on a gun in years since they were replaced with the screw in chokes. Good luck with the restoration!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Finish it to look like the day it first came out of the box.

    x3! It will be a beauty!

    When I was looking around at used guns a few years back, lots and lots of older shotguns had those poly chokes installed. Ugly as sin, if you ask me!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tom Sawvell wrote:</div>
    Finish it to look like the day it first came out of the box.

    When I was looking around at used guns a few years back, lots and lots of older shotguns had those poly chokes installed. Ugly as sin, if you ask me!

    I’ve seen some Ralph that make me think the same thing. Just UGLY! However, I have a Winchester 1200 12ga pump with one on it and it looks more “natural” than some of the others I’ve seen. It’s not as long, or as big and bulky so I don’t mind it so much. The gun doesn’t see much use though and I think the only reason I keep it around is I made my first solo outing, small game kill with it and I can still cream the clays with it. As a kid, I thought it was cool to just turn the adjuster to whatever setting I desired but now, it just seems antiquated.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Glad I’m not the only one who always thought it was ugly.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    My Dad hunted with a 12 gauge “Stevens” pump w/ adjustable poly choke, I sold it years ago now I wish I hadn’t. Not that it shot really well or not, just that, it was the gun that Dad hunted with.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tom Sawvell wrote:</div>
    Finish it to look like the day it first came out of the box.

    x3! It will be a beauty!

    When I was looking around at used guns a few years back, lots and lots of older shotguns had those poly chokes installed. Ugly as sin, if you ask me!

    Luckily with an 870, finding new barrel woudn’t be that hard.

    The poly chokes were just so popular for about 25 years, it’s hard to get away from them. Must have been a real novelty to be able to change choke settings. I was looking for a Model 11 Remington for my father a few years ago and ever dang time I thought I found a nice example, I’d hit that dreaded pic showing the poly on the end of the barrel.


    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    give almonds in Northfield a call for the reblueing. A friend of mines dad had a shop and was nationally known for reblueing. He has closed up the shop, and that is who he recommended. Any questions, contact me. I don’t have a number right now, when I find it I will post it.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    give almonds in Northfield a call for the reblueing. A friend of mines dad had a shop and was nationally known for reblueing. He has closed up the shop, and that is who he recommended. Any questions, contact me. I don’t have a number right now, when I find it I will post it.

    Just for clarification, did you mean “almonds” in Northfield or “Ahlmann’s” in Waseca?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Ahlman Guns is actually in Morristown, MN.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Ahlman Guns is actually in Morristown, MN.


    Isn’t that North Waseca? ;-) I went by/near there a few weeks back on my way to deliver the Walmart in Waseca and I remember thinking they were a long way from town! lol…… guess that explains why huh!

    I love being human! ;-)

    Posts: 0

    Morristown is actually a suburb of Kilkenny jester

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Good Grief! Okay…….. Everybody. PIG PILE!!!!! hah doah

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    I have a Winchester 1200 with a poly choke. I liked in the day to vary choke patterns…now, it’s nostalgic. Serves the purpose. Gramps called it a piece of snot on the barrel.

    Redoing your gun to original is my first vote.

    If that goes south, consider custom camo by you. There are several step by step procedures out there…duckhuntingchat has one of the best with pics. Here’s my 870 that was ugly. The camo looks cool, I think.

    Enjoy the project!

    1. image75.jpg

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Classic…..they are timeless

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