reel advice?

  • Huntindave
    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    Looking for advice and opinions. All my present reels are the older round body style reels. I am thinking of going to a low profile style to mount on at least one of my muskie rods.

    Looking at the Revo series reels and comparing a Revo Toro (NACL60_HS) to a new release the Revo T2 (BST60-HS).

    Comments are welcome on either of these two reels.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    After a day on the water you will really appreciate the newer lighter reels. I believe either of your choices will work well for you. The Revos are good solid reels I own 4 Revos thou they are the lower profile SXs and STXs never a lick of trouble out of any of them.

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