No Channel over 24″ on the Red River Rule

  • landscats
    North Dakota, USA
    Posts: 360

    There is talk by local fisherman and fishing groups to ask the Minnesota DNR and the North Dakota Game & Fish to make it illegal to keep a channel catfish over 24″ on the Red River.

    Please take some time and vote yes or no. We want to see what kind of backing we have on tryen to save this trophy fishery.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    I do not fish for cats but I think bigger is better.


    Posts: 3835


    You should give it a try sometime. Pound for pound cats are the toughest critter in fresh water.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    I don’t think I’ve ever hear of someone saying…I like to eat a 25 lbs channel cat over a 3 pound spotted one.

    What other reason to keep one over 24? Mounting? Graphite is comparable in cost.

    Leave the big ones to live out their life in the river.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    I find it odd that there are 6 against the proposed change without any comments as to why….

    Lands…do you know of anywone that has done research on these waters and came to the conclusion that releasing 24 inch cats would hurt OR help the trophy fishery?

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Well, I voted for the Ban. Look at all the cool pic’s there are of us gals and guys holding cats over 24″ The only reason we got to hold them was because someone (or many someones) before us let that cat go to fight another day. The same could be said about ANY fish that fishermen/women fish for.

    North Dakota, USA
    Posts: 360

    I’m not compairing this part of the river to Lockport but, look what it did for that area of the river. It could only improve your chances of catching bigger fish and enjoy some great battles that these fish give you.

    Over that last 6 to 7 years you are seeing what the one over 24″ did to the river. I can’t even imagine what it would be like if they could have placed nothing over 24″ back then.

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