A long awaited meeting

  • Bowfinhunter
    Wallnutters are a silly lot
    Posts: 197

    Well it finally happened the old wallnutter hizself finally caught up with me.
    I heard the stories about what he wears in his boat things like
    1. the camo thong
    2. the butless chaps
    3. 6 inch stiletto heels
    4. the rainbow flag
    5. All part of the Blue Oyster “softball” team uniform
    6. and the famous Tony D Tie dyed T shirt
    (all true but sometimes he only wears the thong)
    I also heard of all the signs he attaches to his boat like,

    1. the peace sign
    2. the neon “make love not war sign”
    3. the first place “salad tosser” award (for years 99,01,02,03)
    4. the PETA wallnutters are people too sign
    5. OUT magazines man of the year award
    6. the 90’s switch hitter of the year award

    And I have seen the picture (that oyster gulper, aka Gaterpumper aka limpwrist) took of him a couple years ago when he was in the tub with the poor catfish.

    Yes Mealy worm himself finaly found me fishing with C/A
    and yes all he wanted to talk about was Greencarp. He kept asking me the weirdest questions, things like,

    1. what is your faverite wine?
    Answer- Um I don’t drink wine
    2. would you sign my ultra lite?
    Answer- Um No!
    3. whats my sign?
    Answer- whats that
    4. do these leather butless chaps make my butt look Big.
    Answer- dude your a dude (I think) I don’t check Dudes!
    5. the Oyster is having a happy hour now do ya want to go?
    Answer- NO!
    6. What is your faverite color?
    Answer- dude be quiet
    7. What crank should I throw now?
    Answer- Dude I’m a guy I don’t talk to other guys about throwing cranks
    8. Do you like the “disco ball” I “mounted” to the passenger seat
    Answer – NO
    9. Do you want to be my next mate (he laffed like a 6 year old girl at this “joke” because he finished it with) the reason I call it the next mate is because you can’t be first but you could be next.
    Answer- Dude? your a freak!
    After a while he just sat in his boat and pouted. (at least it was quiet for a change)

    C/A and I left when Mealy worm (aka Brink) took out his handcuffs and wanted to play a game he called “Good cop, Better Cop”.
    Yes it was scary and of course we did not catch a fish after he arrived, his boat was blasting YMCA and in the Navy over and over and over again. (I think it scared all the fish away)

    Well at least thats over with.
    See ya


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The war on drugs has been lost….

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