Cats on the RED Classic for 2002.

  • backwater eddy
    Red River of the North USA and Canada
    Posts: 69

    OK piggy hunters, here is the scoop on the Cats on the RED Classic for 2002.

    I heard from Stu as to what he thought we should do. So I spoke with him early this morning and this is our final decision on the tournament matter.

    It’s a go no matter how many teams we have in by the Friday August 16th, Entry Deadline. Even if we only have 40 teams entered by that time, it’s still a go!

    Yippee! Yeah! So pass along the good word Ed.

    You can also pass along the word that the river is dropping rapidly to its normal summer stage and that this weekend Cats On The Red has had many anglers coming in to launch from Saskatchewan, North and South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota. Many of them have told Stu and Diana that they definitely intend on entering the tourney within the next week or so.

    If you require further info please call. So see if you can get a memo into those fishing websites you work with and all the anglers browse through and let everyone state side know that the Cats On The Red Tourney is a definite go!

    Dan Sernyk
    Tournament Co-Chairman


    Whoop..There it is folks, it is a definate GO!

    For us slow pokes there is still lots of time to get in a entry, (Sooner is better then latter I think?),I say GO FOR IT!


    Ed Carlson

    backwater eddy
    Red River of the North USA and Canada
    Posts: 69

    We-We-We…….Gitty Up Go Piggy!

    Man did we have a BLAST up at Stu’s the past week! Weee–Haaa!

    I tell ya you just can’t beat going toe to toe with 15-30 pound cats in 1-3′ of water…..~SPLAOOOOOSH~…….Piggy on. UF DA!

    I would like to thank Stu, Dan, and crew for the outstanding service and also for putting on a whale of a catfish event. Great folks and tons & tons of sumo piggys, hay man ya just can’t beat that with a stick…Eh.

    It was a challenging event that I will not forget, what a close one. We averaged 60+ big cats a day Saturday and Sunday but that one 27+ we needed just wouldn’t let us get her to the boat. Maybe next year?

    You can bet we will be back and ready to compete and have fun again. A great event and I would HIGHLY recommend fishermen who love big fish look to enter in 2003; you will never regret it…Eh.

    Dennis, man I wish you could have made it this year!

    Thanks again Stu & crew!

    Ed Carlson
    Backwater Eddy……>

    Backwater Guiding
    “ED on the RED”

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