Red Wing to LaCrosse via Mississippi River

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Monday we drove via hiway to LaCrosse to check out the motel and slips for our planned trip over the next two days.

    As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to see how far I could get boating the river in one day and then boat back on the second day. Well it wasn’t looking good for this summer, but with some last minute changes in plans it worked out.

    We left with a full tank of gas on Tuesday morning @ 8 am. I thought we would be there by 1-2pm. Judging by river miles, and an average speed of 30 miles per hour I was thinking we could go much further South. We felt LaCrosse would be far enough and that was a good thing.

    I didn’t figure in no wake zones and more importantly…tows and the locks.

    We ended up with over 4 hours in hold while waiting for doubles to get through. It’s a working river so I should of accounted for that.

    Lake Pepin was it choppy self. The Skeeter Solera 189 handled it well. Wish I could say the same for the FW.

    We stopped at the Alma Marina to fill up. We put on 10 gallon in the 28 gallon tank.

    Pool 5a gets our nod for the most beautiful section of the river we traversed. The hills, valleys and even the sand along shore was very picturesque.

    I haven’s seen a snake in the middle of the river..ever. But since the FW was along, she spotted one about 10 feet behind the boat will waiting for a lock through at #6. I swear she attracts them like doe sent to a buck.

    We spend about an hour looking for fuel in LaCrosse. We just picked the wrong fuel stop first and they were closed by the time we arrived. Filled up with 16 gallons for a total of 26 gals to travel roughly 100 miles on the river. We used exactly the same on the way back. We paid a low of $3.50 per gallon to a high of $3.76 per gallon.

    We stayed at the Americinn for $89. plus tax. Slip, restaurant, bar, and room all in one location. The ring billed seagulls really fertilized the dock.

    We were greeted on the dock by none other the Curt Wuensh to help use tie up. We chatted for a few moments before he needed to leave. You still have the most firm sausage Curt. I don’t care how long you age it!!

    As Curt was leaving we walked by the Tiki Room outside dinning area and my cousin Karen and her husband Paul turned in their chairs and said hi. I’m guesstimating we haven’t seen each other for 50 years. Three hours of chatting never went so fast!

    The trip home was pretty darn smooth. Even Pepin was relatively calm. One two hour wait for a double tow at lock #6 and one snake while leaving the Alma Marina.

    We stopped into the Red Wing Marina to fuel up and see Cindy of course. We thought about having a pizza on her deck over looking the river but we both felt we were outside long enough.

    We made it back to Trenton Island in time to have a Hamm’s before brats on the grill.

    It was a very good time although I never put a line in the water even though I was sitting in the boat for two days. No boat problems and the FW didn’t take the Amtrack back to Red Wing!

    1. Simms-Sandles.jpg

    2. Back-channel-ramp.jpg

    3. New-bridge-wound.jpg

    4. 4-2-hour-wait.jpg

    5. Reunion.jpg

    6. 6-no-snakes-today.jpg

    7. 7.jpg

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    very cool adventure! waytogo

    Each pool has its own distinct views – no doubt some are a bit more “scenic” than others toast

    Many years ago we did a random trip from Prairie du Chien, WI to Priceton, IA. Guessing it was about 150 miles +/-. Slept in the boat and fed the skeeters doah doah It was worth it though, had the opportunity to see a lot of the river that I seldom ever fish waytogo

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1368

    Awesome trip BK! I really enjoyed following along on BookFace and laughing every time you posted about the dreaded snakes! Thanks for sharing!!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Carole and I drove from Roch to La Crescent yesterday and thought about going to La Crosse to the new distillery, but we stayed in Minnesota. We drove from home to Chatfield, to Rushford on Highway 30, then took 16 to the river. I get my La Crescent variety of apples in , of course, La Crescent. Hit that harvest square on the peak too and got ahead of the Apple Festival that starts Saturday. We drove up to Winona and snooped some shops there before bringing it home on Highway 14.

    We did find a couple small areas of color, mostly walnut and butternut along with some ivy, but generally green yet. Its early but we saw a lot of fields of soybeans that could be picked. A few farmers had chopped corn for silage and even a couple chopping. The day was beautiful for an outing.

    From La Crescent to Winona we both noted the lack of boats, maybe just being the middle of the week. Still, the big river is something to take in for those few miles we were along side of it….always something to see and marvel at when a person shares space and time with the Mississippi in this area.

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    Great write up. I love that area. Went to school in Winona and the wife went to lacrosse. We went by river from lake city to Winona and back in one day years ago. Still one of my favorite boating memories.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    For those interested in boating, from Alma WI downstream is pretty impressive with minimal traffic. A trip through this area will make you forget about boring crowded lakes in a hurry if you enjoy just cruising on the water.

    Posts: 959

    Great fun reading about your trip thru my neck of the big ol’ muddy. You’ve got me thinking about doing a trip now. Wife has always wanted to hit the winery in prairie du chain. Maybe we will plan it yet this year ? Might have to start at lacrosse tho, that’s a long haul in my fishing rig.

    Posts: 2218

    For those interested in boating, from Alma WI downstream is pretty impressive with minimal traffic. A trip through this area will make you forget about boring crowded lakes in a hurry if you enjoy just cruising on the water.

    We tend not to advertise this. We like to keep the cityits away from us. Thanks for the post. moon

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    Sounds like a great trip bk. Did i see you by the rollers Saturday night?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Were you single? Yup, Mary and I were soaking crawlers for sturg.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    No i was on the other side in my co workers boat. Any luck? My co worker caught all the fish in our boat but i got to reel in a couple because he was too busy catching other fish. 2 channel, 2 shovel nose, 2 sheep and a big carp.

    Posts: 6259

    Very cool trip, thanks for sharing. Buffalo City just south of Alma was my first ever trip to big muddy in the 70’s as a kid. Stayed at the Buffalo City Resort! My Aunt and Uncle retired there in the 80’s and I spent my summers on the river there. Love that section of the river. Weaver Bottoms. Wiggle Waggle, just to name a few. Exploring that section of river could bring out the huck finn in anyone!

    steve k
    buffalo co. wi.
    Posts: 219

    Very cool trip, thanks for sharing. Buffalo City just south of Alma was my first ever trip to big muddy in the 70’s as a kid. Stayed at the Buffalo City Resort! My Aunt and Uncle retired there in the 80’s and I spent my summers on the river there. Love that section of the river. Weaver Bottoms. Wiggle Waggle, just to name a few. Exploring that section of river could bring out the huck finn in anyone!

    I have been here since 1976 and this river will always be my favorite,I’m headed for weaver bottoms later today and explore maybe wiggle waggle tomorrow as I haven’t been up there for a couple months thanks for reminding me. Also great fri fish and burgers at resort but now its river ratz resort ????????????

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