Red Lake resorts shore camping

  • belgianbuctail
    Posts: 21

    Looking to try Red Lake the first weekend of December. What resorts would allow me to set up the pop up for sleeping if we can’t drive out? Looking for a place that I can get bait and maybe a hot meal and cold beverage at the end of the day. Have no problem paying a camping fee along with the pass. I know some places are renting their on ice sleepers but I have a feeling most, if not all are full. I really want to try out my winter/ice camping set up any way. Thanks

    Posts: 4802

    Morts and Jr’s have a lot of area to camp. Gosh damn bar just down the road has excellent food but I’m guessing everything around there is going to be VERY busy so be prepared and have what you need ahead of time

    Posts: 5307

    There’s a gosh dam by red? Only familiar w the one by winnie

    Posts: 1031

    When you say pop up, are you talking a pop up camper or pop up fish house? If a fish house, why don’t you just camp on the ice so you can fish through the night? Just need a cot, some connectable floor foam, light and a fan. We have done it several times early ice on Mille lacs and red.

    Walk or take your machine back to resort as needed. You could also cook your meals on a buddy heater.

    If you have a pop up camper most resorts have parking areas in a field and sometimes allow it along the shore. Figure out what area you want to fish and call em. There will definitely be resorts with room on shore.

    Jr’s and rogers have food and will cook your fish. I’m sure there is more.

    Posts: 4802

    There’s a gosh dam by red? Only familiar w the one by winnie

    Ha! I had them mixed up my bad

    Posts: 1031

    I should have mentioned in my first post, often times you can find houses to rent on shore within a couple days of heading up as long as resorts aren’t bringing theirs out on the lake at that time. Just gotta call around.

    Posts: 21

    Pop up ice shelter. My preference is to
    stay on the ice but not sure about the walking out part. I have everything needed to camp on the ice probably too much that’s why it would be nice to be able to drive out.

    Posts: 1031

    I’m guessing wheelers and sleds will be a go by then if you have one. Otherwise take a couple trips pulling gear on hoof. I’ve done both. Some resorts will shuttle you out and back during early ice as well but that is kinda hit and miss.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    JR’s, they also have a backlot so should have plenty of space if still on shore.

    Posts: 4802

    Posted today

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    Posts: 4802

    Another from morts

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    Posts: 4524

    You will not be driving trucks out the first week of December.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    You will not be driving out the first week of December.

    I agree. It sounds like the wind is already causing issues up there.

    Last year the first week of December we had a consistent 11-12″ of ice in most places…but came across some with as little as 5-6″ far out near some heaves.

    Resorts were letting side by sides pulling single axles out, but nothing larger and they were kept pretty close to shorelines. Looking back at old pictures and posts, I’d say we are on a similar timeline to last year (if the wind stays down). Mother nature will make the call though.

    Posts: 4802

    Yea the wind is creating havoc right now

    1. 25837DF2-89DE-495F-A707-C1D3AB0A3947.png

    Posts: 195

    Same story every year. Ice is setting up nice until Mr. Wind wants to intervene.

    Erik Swenson
    Posts: 515

    Always a fickle start…

    Planning a mid-December weekend up there to check it out for the first time. Staying at the cabin about an hour away. Looking forward to it.

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