Red Lake Newbie

  • curleytail
    Posts: 674

    I’ve been considering a trip to Upper Red for some time now and may make a short trip there in the next 2-3 weeks provided they keep their ice.

    Seems like the general advice is to find the right depth from 8-12 feet off the 1st “sharper” shoreline break or maybe some offshore structure. Have GPS mapping and feel comfortable with that. If there’s any other advice feel free to offer some if you like, but otherwise most of my questions are regarding the logistics of the trip.

    1.) Looking for a 1 night stay if possible (about 4 hours drive to Red so short trip is somewhat justified). Are there any reasonably priced hotels within a reasonable distance of the lake? I’d rather not have to pay a premium to stay at a resort on the lake for the short stay.
    1B.) Are there any areas of the lake I should try to focus on more than others? North end, NE end, etc?

    2.) Pressure ridges/hazards? All of my icefishing has been done in central and northern WI on lakes under about 15,000 acres. What should I be aware of when traveling on this lake? I’ll be on an ATV. Seems people talk about crossing some pressure ridges or open cracks. How does one determine which ones are safe to cross and which ones aren’t?

    Those are my two main unknowns. I’d like to find a decent place to stay and make sure I stay safe on the lake. After that I can have fun trying to figure the location and bite out.

    I appreciate any info you’d be willing to provide. Thanks!


    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    It won’t be long and they’ll be pulling houses out. If they haven’t already. If you just want a place to crash you could rent a sleeper. I’ll admit they aren’t priced all that cheap but it’s as close as you can get.

    The best advice I have for fishing to to get away from the crowds. Far far away. Not 50 yds, not 100 yds. I’m talking 1/2 to 1 mile away from the nearest wheelhouse. This will give you the best chance of success.

    And if you’re into hole hopping, you need to spend at least 30 minutes in a spot before moving. The fish seem to get scared away from noise above but will come back after a few minutes.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Go in your cupboard and find a large soup bowl with long tapered sides. Thats Red Lake. Not much for drop-offs, not much for depth. I’m not sure there is even structure in there. It’s a big bowl.

    Posts: 1671

    Get all by yourself, red gamagatsu octopus hooks under a bobber. Jig in one hole, set line in other. Most fish come to the jig, but bite bobber set up. I now see stay in my wheel house but when I was just in my portable I stayed in Northholm at the Northholm inn. It’s pretty cheap, about 20 miles away.

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    Don’t fish the West side

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Honestly with your distance and timing as previously mentioned a rental sleeper may be best could bring a portable also. I’ve gone out of west wind a couple times next time bringing my portable to fish more the next day

    Posts: 56

    Best lodging available is a sleeper on the lake. No hotels except for the minnow rat motel 5 miles south of kelliher…..but i wouldn’t let my friends dog sleep there…..

    Get a long ways away from everyone and dutchboy hit the nail on the head….practice fishing in your cupboard in the soup bowls or your bathtub…..
    Subtleness is key in other words…..

    As far as safety on ice….check with resort before you go out, follow the posted roads…..and the rest is common sense….if a pressure ridge looks un safe…..looks like a duck, quacks like a duck….probably ain’t a goose!

    Otherwise enjoy the time on ice! I too hope to be there in the next couple of weeks but weather is gonna be tougher than expected here so we shall see!

    Posts: 674

    I have found a couple hotels within 30 miles of Red, one being in Northome.

    I will be bringing my Otter along as well, but would not be at all against a sleeper if the scenario was right.

    Any recommendations for some that wouldn’t charge an arm and a leg and be willing to do only friday and possibly saturday night stays? It seems many want multiple days or multiple people. It will probably be just me or me and one partner.

    Thanks for your help so far!


    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Shooks motel. About as close a motel you can get. Never stayed there but it is still standing each time I drive by. I drove by there 30 days ago. Kelliher is next down the road and they have an americINN, I think.
    UPRL is as easy a lake as it gets. The walleye cruise the gravel transitions and they are usually aggressive, especially after 2. Red freezes early because it is shallow and pretty much structure free. Stay away from noise if possible and you will get bit all night. I would stay 100 yards or more from the pressure ridges this early in the game. Any cracks that form may be navigated over a bridge that is deployed by the resorts. Pay the road fees and you will stay safe. Keep the speeds down until the ice grows.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    hey tucker I may be able to set you up in a sleeper for a reasonable rate cookie

    Posts: 2123

    Stay away from the crowds! even if you’re in the middle of the pack you still will have good luck.

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