READ THIS!!! Help for school project.

  • Charlie Vaughan
    On the river
    Posts: 194

    Hello everyone,
    I am posting to ask about any and all issues having to do with Castle Rock Lake. For my fisheries management course, I was assigned to write a lake management plan for Castle Rock. I’m happy to hear anything concerning fishing regulations, habitat issues, invasive species, algae blooms, access issues, etc…
    I’d like to know anything that should be addressed in a management plan for a lake I still need to learn more about.

    One specific question: I know the current slot and bag limit for Castle Rock Walleye, but what were past walleye regulations on this lake, and when did they change?

    Posts: 3319

    Many years ago there was a 5 fish limit but no size limit. Then it went to 5 fish limit 15 inches minimum. Now the current slot limit. Not sure when they changed them.

    The algae has gotten worse over the years but recently I think it is a little better. The problem I think is from farm run off of fertilizer. Also cranberry producers have very, very little regulation do to some laws passed many, many years ago and can run fertilizer/pesticides down stream which ends up in the Wisconsin River.

    There is a group/association called PACRS that is trying help with managing Castle Rock and Petenwell water quality.

    At one time the DNR was harvesting walleye eggs for hatching and stocking elsewhere.

    Personally I think there should be some protection on walleyes during the spawn. It gets fished heavy right now below the dams because of the No Closed Season on eyes.

    The water level can only vary about 1 foot approximately from May 1st to November 15th. Not sure on those exact dates.

    Lots of pleasure boat traffic in the summer that makes it difficult to fish on the weekends. It needs more Sheriff/DNR enforcement in summer. Usually a few boating accidents on CR in the summer. Personally I would like to see a NO WAKE ZONE North of the County G boat landing in Juneau County.

    Posts: 2884

    MX- that was a super detailed answer to his question! I don’t really have anything of value to add, but I believe I fished a backwater of this system years ago thru the ice. Step dad’s brother and his family lived on this backwater cove, and I brought one ice rod and a little box of spoons and an FL-8. Fished near this little culvert and caught lots of decent walleyes and a big crappie. I was little so I don’t remember too much but I know it was in or near necedah, wi.

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