RCBS Chargemaster Question

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11996

    Now here’s a totally stupid question for those who own the RCBS Chargemaster combo measure and scale.

    OK, so you hit the button, it dumps a measured charge out into the little pan. Then what? How do you get that powder into the case? Is there a set of funnels included that I’m not seeing or how is this supposed to work? I can’t envision trying to free pour stick powders especially into a narrow case. And then I shoot a compressed .223 load, so that’d be a huge mess.

    I like the idea of push button dispensing, but my old school Lyman dispenser has the bushing that fits most case mouths sealing at the necks so it drops directly into the case, of course. How is it done with the Chargemaster?

    Many thanks.


    Wright County
    Posts: 3024

    I would assume you would just need a case funnel and just pour it in at least thats what this video shows.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11996

    That’s kind of what I figured, but had never actually seen one in use and they don’t show that any funnel(s) are included.

    That would be very slow to load any volume of cases. Love the trickle feature though, and it would be great for small test batches because there’s no time/effort spent dialing in the powder measure just to do 10 loads at a given charge weight before moving on.

    I see there’s a nifty Chargemaster light version for less coinage.

    Can you guys tell winter reloading boredom is setting in?


    Jeff Heeg
    Posts: 104

    Grouse one of my favorite case funnels that I use, I dump my pan from the dispenser or from my beam scale into this and then into the case.


    1. IMG_2540.jpg

    Posts: 2596

    I use my Chargemastwr for low volume precision handloads. I use a RCBS Uniflow for high volume reloading. I’ve accumulated a variety of funnels for my different cases when loading via the Chargemastwr. The Uniflow comes with different spouts for different cases. The Uniflow is amazingly accurate when using BLc2 for 308, and H110 for 44mag.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11996

    I use my Chargemaster for low volume precision handloads. I use a RCBS Uniflow for high volume reloading.

    That was kind of my idea, but I was wondering if there was a way that I wasn’t seeing to ramp up the speed of the Chargemaster.

    How is the Uniflow with coarser stick powders like Varget?


    Posts: 2596

    I only tried stick powders once with it, and while it was smoother than a Lee perfect measure, it still cut some with every few throws. Not real confidence inspiring. That is why I use both and for different powder types.

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