• BigWerm
    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Are you guys uncocking your bow using the cocking/uncocking handle?
    Does it feel safe to you?

    Yes, I uncock it using the handle, and it is safe imo. You have your offhand thumb on the locking mechanism so if you lose your grip you can let off and that will bring it to instant stop (would not recommend doing this, but is a secondary safety option). Just make sure you have a good grip on the handle while unwinding it bc it can get away from you. I would NOT feel comfortable changing bolts out while cocked, they shoot so fast and violently if it let loose while changing to a field tip it would be very bad news for anything in front of the bolt (your hand) or your arm in the cam/string area.

    Posts: 4487

    Ive only used mine a few times but uncocking it dont seem like much of an issue. Dont think you wanna take the process to lightly though the first back crank or two has alot of pressure on it.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    I would NOT feel comfortable changing bolts out while cocked, they shoot so fast and violently if it let loose while changing to a field tip it would be very bad news for anything in front of the bolt (your hand) or your arm in the cam/string area.

    Kinda what I thought but you would have to remove the bolt with the broadhead and put in the bolt with the field tip!

    I have a discharge bolt for my CB. works perfect

    I was told to only shoot bolts with Ravin knocks. And, was told using a discharge bolt you have a good chance of the bolt breaking. Again, was told to only use Ravin bolts.

    Guys, you are removing the bolt before uncocking it right?

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Guys, you are removing the bolt before uncocking it right?

    No. When it’s cocked I don’t want to put my hand or arm anywhere near the business end of things. I either shoot or uncock it with the bolt still on. If I have a misfire, or lose grip of the uncocking handle I’d rather wreck a bolt/broadhead then a finger. And I treat it like a gun, as long as there is a bolt on it, I consider it loaded and I’m aware of where it is pointed.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    I would NOT feel comfortable changing bolts out while cocked, they shoot so fast and violently if it let loose while changing to a field tip it would be very bad news for anything in front of the bolt (your hand) or your arm in the cam/string area.

    Kinda what I thought but you would have to remove the bolt with the broadhead and put in the bolt with the field tip!

    I have a discharge bolt for my CB. works perfect

    I was told to only shoot bolts with Ravin knocks. And, was told using a discharge bolt you have a good chance of the bolt breaking. Again, was told to only use Ravin bolts.

    Guys, you are removing the bolt before uncocking it right?

    As long as your fingers are forward of where the string is at rest, loading/unloading is fairly safe. You have to at a minimum place a bolt in the bow when it is cocked, so removing said bolt should be just as safe.

    I’m not a crossbow hunter, but I work with them weekly, and would rather de-cock with an empty bow vs. one with a bolt in it. If you’re de-cocking, slip, and it runs away on you you don’t know where that bolt is going as you frantically try to regain control.

    Posts: 6687

    I am recently the proud owner of Ravin R10.

    Question for you guys.
    When I asked the dealer to show me the uncocking procedure, he declined saying it didn’t think it was safe and doesn’t recommend that anyone uncock it. Too easy for your hand to slip off and when that handle free spins, it’ll break your hand.
    Recommended taking out the broadhead and replace with a field point bolt, then fire into a bag.
    Are you guys uncocking your bow using the cocking/uncocking handle?
    Does it feel safe to you?

    It is safe if you do so properly.
    Read that manual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One hand on rear stock pressing down on button. Other hand on cocking handle. Go slow. It’s 11 lbs force, but can turn into a raging hammer if you take hand off crank and keep finger on button.
    Always decock without a arrow.

    There is no exception, a ravin nock MUST A BE USED.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    It is safe if you do so properly.
    Read that manual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FBRM – What makes you think I didn’t Read that manual!!!!!!!!

    I did, about 3 times now. As I said, the dealer would not show me the uncocking process cuz he thought it to be unsafe.
    I was simply asking current owners what they did and if they uncock, do they feel safe doing so.

    I’ve watched all the videos on uncocking too. There’s an old boy down south, heavy southern drawl, that shows you some good tips. 1 tip I really liked was crank it about 1/4 of the way and then uncock. then go 1/2 way and uncock and so on. You get the feel of the pressure building up to it so it’s not full throttle on the 1st attempt.
    Like anything I suppose, if you do it wrong, you’ll pay the price.

    Thanks for the replies guys!

    Posts: 6687

    Biggest mistake you can make uncocking, is confusing two situations:

    1) the bow has been shot and your releasing the tension on the winch

    2) your uncocking a loaded bow

    releasing the tension after a shot you’ll tend to take a loose grip on the handle.

    My daughter made this mistake because while she was shooting several times, and we were together, I went ahead and cocked the bow for her while she pulled the arrow. Handed her the bow and stepped back. She went to release the tension on the bow not realizing it was already cocked, that handle bit her good! Lucky she didn’t lose her eye. Rubber handle left a finger sized hole in her eyebrow.

    Easy to be nonchalant after the shot but never do that with a loaded bow.

    Congrats on your nice bow.
    I have the press and change strings too.
    Good luck hunting

    Posts: 6687

    I would NOT feel comfortable changing bolts out while cocked

    I think you meant broadheads. I wouldn’t either. Few things could happen. One, you could twist your nock and not notice, that could cause arrow deflection. Two, the noock is a critical piece of the safety mechanism, I wouldn’t want to put twisting force within the clasp and safety. Also can break a nock. Extreme examples there. I have snugged tight, or checked tightness on a broadhead loaded in the field. Grasp arrow shaft above danger zone and twist broadhead staying away from (below) knives.

    Changing arrows out, is safe and obviously necessary to operate a crossbow.

    Never cock loaded and never decock loaded.

    Loaded crossbows make me nervous. I try to carry and hold them considering what would happen if limbs explode.

    Posts: 6687

    I love them Reapers.
    This doe went 45yds

    1. 20211219_180553-scaled.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Never cock loaded and never decock loaded.

    FYI I started doing this bc of this thread, and still feels weird but it is much safer decocking without a bolt in it.

    Nice doe FBRM, I should have had a similar pic last night but they got the drop on me.

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