Rattle reel question.

  • Nick Smith
    Posts: 21

    So a rattle reel goes off at night. You get out of bed and go over to the reel that got hit. Then what do you do? Do you wait for the reel to spin again, lift the line and feel? Just looking for advice and tips. Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 9237

    I pull up the line slowly until I feel weight and set the hook. I usually set the hook too hard and spool my rattle reel. Them I’m standing in a rats nest of line trying to fight a fish while half asleep. grin

    Posts: 123

    If the bobber is still down — give the fish more line. Quickly grab the rattle reel and pull more line into the water. Then, slowly reel in the line with you hands – until you feel slight resistance – then set the hook. If it is a nice fish, you have to be the drag. Give the fish line if/when they need it and pull in when you can.

    Good Luck! Catch some big ones.


    Cory Henneberg
    Appleton, MN
    Posts: 18

    Typically feed it more line and wait for the bobber to take under the ice and then feel for it. When you feel it set the hook, not too hard though as it sometimes is easy to rip it out of the mouth. I also agree with Vickie that you have to act as a drag when it is a bigger fish.

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