Son and I fished Rathbun for the first time May 21 -22. We put in at Honey Creek State Park, nice boat ramp. We fished May 21 afternoon til dark. Trolled for walleyes along the dam and fished for crappie in cover with no luck. On May 22 we fished from morning to late evening, concentrating on crappie. Nothing in the brush or cover, finally started catching a few crappie drifing with minnows in the bays. Also picked of a few more crappie and one small walleye trolling with plastics. The lake was very muddy, like fishing in chocolate milk. Temps were in the low 70’s. I was told by a number of folks that fishing was slow, and the crappie spawn has not yet happened. Tosse the walleye and crappie back that we did catch so they could grow some. Beautiful lake we had a great time, maybe the fishing will be better on our next trip.
May 24, 2009 at 11:22 pm