I normally don’t get involved in this type of political discussion however when I see hypocritical comments on here I just have to add in. Please see below what Erik J wrote and what the response was. Then look at what nhamm posted about red alert smog and 60% plastic from India in the ocean. Do you really still think humans have nothing to do with weather patterns if there is red alert smog and plastic in the ocean? The smog and plastic wasn’t put there by magic. So if you feel like you can’t do something about it and everyone felt that way then what is the point?
I am not an environmentalist however I am not going to believe that we don’t have effect over climate and weather with articles like this https://www.nps.gov/hfc/pdf/imi/tel311/grca_site_bulletin_be.pdf and….. http://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/top-10-smoggiest-cities-in-us/
I am probably the last one to think this way but I do believe that Washington and people can make a difference.
Don’t get me wrong I will still drive to my fishing destination and drill my holes with my strikemaster gas auger. It’s just the thought that nothing can be done or being ignorant to the problem that drives me up a wall.
ERIKJ wrote:
I’m not holding out hope…but maybe someday soon we’ll get those morons now running Washington to accept that climate change is real, and actually do something about while an ice belt in America still exists…
yeah I remember those days when it never got above 32 in winter… back in BC 10,000 or something. Amazing how things have changed so soon.
Pull ur head out of your rearend and do something about it if you think it is a problem. If you think its pollution then ride a bike to your fishing hole and leave your boat at home. Humans have no control over weather patterns. We think we do but in the end we cant do a thing about it. The u.s can change policy to be green and blah blah but countries like china and india could care less about pollution.