Trading in my Ranger with a 250 etec and was wondering if anyone is running a ranger with the yamaha off shore, and their thoughts on it. Tired of poor milage and the amount of oil I use.
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Ranger 620 with yamaha
Posts: 216April 23, 2013 at 10:26 pm #1165288I have not run one, but I have heard that they have a very good MPG. I’m pretty sure Mr. Granrud put one on his new rig, you may want to shoot him a PM
April 23, 2013 at 10:36 pm #1165291Quote:
I have not run one, but I have heard that they have a very good MPG. I’m pretty sure Mr. Granrud put one on his new rig, you may want to shoot him a PM
Granrud runs a Skeeter as many of us do, not a Ranger, so anything we can share on the attributes of the Off Shore motors will be coming off a different hull.
Shoot Jimmy Bell a message on Facebook. If you don’t use FB let me know and I’ll shoot you his email address. He runs Ranger / Yamaha and should be a wealth of solid info. He’s running a 621 with 300 Off Shore this year but knows the 620’s inside and out and has been running Yamahas for a long time.
April 23, 2013 at 11:01 pm #1165307James, That would be great if you could shoot me his e-mail. I found your post from when you shared all the info on your off shore and that was interesting. dealer still likes the e-tec. I’m too old for face book.
April 24, 2013 at 10:03 am #1165409ZNAK,
I run a 620 with the F250 4-stroke. Mines a 2008 and the off shore wasn’t avaible when I purchased mine.
I am beyound pleased with my set up. I’ve always had nothing but pure satisfaction with all my Yamaha 4-Strokes, but this is the 1st of this magnatude.
Boat plains Immediately, and fuel economy is very good. I have 2 good freinds that have fished the pro circuits for years with one having the etec, and 1 with a Merc Verado.
Both have told me they can’t beleive the preformace of the 620 with this set up, and are envious of the fuel economy!
Although I can’t quite get the top speed that the etec set up can, I still run easily in the very high 50’s with occasionally, in perfect conditions hitting 60 (rare though).
I do beleive the off shore will only be a better preformer than what I have. Less weight, more torque, ect, ect.
I can’t speak for others, but sure sounds like anyone that’s went with the Off Shore have been extremely happy with them. A bunch of the Skeeter guys run them. My next boat is a new 620 with 250 off Shore, soon I hope.
Happy shoppingJohn Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309April 24, 2013 at 5:38 pm #1165562I run a Stratos 326XF with a 225 off-shore. Not a ranger, but they come out of the same factory. I’ve only had it since August but so far really like the yamaha. Had an e-tec on my previous boat. I do miss the hole shot, but mid range and top end performance on the of-shore is awesome. Will hit 62 with just me in the boat. 56 with 4 guys, gear, and a full live well.
April 24, 2013 at 6:34 pm #1165591I would suspect the Yammie 250 Offshore will run a 620 very similar to a 620 with a Merc 250 Pro XS which is an awesome setup. Quick out of the hole, light and fast setup.
April 24, 2013 at 6:37 pm #1165593Quote:
I run a 620 with the F250 4-stroke. Mines a 2008 and the off shore wasn’t avaible when I purchased mine.
I am beyound pleased with my set up. I’ve always had nothing but pure satisfaction with all my Yamaha 4-Strokes, but this is the 1st of this magnatude.
Boat plains Immediately, and fuel economy is very good. I have 2 good freinds that have fished the pro circuits for years with one having the etec, and 1 with a Merc Verado.
Both have told me they can’t beleive the preformace of the 620 with this set up, and are envious of the fuel economy!
Although I can’t quite get the top speed that the etec set up can, I still run easily in the very high 50’s with occasionally, in perfect conditions hitting 60 (rare though).
I do beleive the off shore will only be a better preformer than what I have. Less weight, more torque, ect, ect.
I can’t speak for others, but sure sounds like anyone that’s went with the Off Shore have been extremely happy with them. A bunch of the Skeeter guys run them. My next boat is a new 620 with 250 off Shore, soon I hope.
Happy shopping
Interesting, the 5-6 620’s I’ve been in with 4 stroke Yammies were dogs out of the hole since they are sooo heavy but did have good top speed. Yours seems to be an exception, are you running a jack plate or hydrofoil?
Posts: 4April 25, 2013 at 2:13 pm #1165784just got a 2013 621 300 offshore 9.9 kicker last fall after the 2 hour break in i couldnt be more happy with my choice in motors. Quiet Fuel dont really know yet like i said only 2 hours. full of gass no gear and one other guy 63.5mph with out touching the jack plate. yes when i start puting some things in it will i lose some speed yes. I didnt buy the boat for speed. I went Yamaha for reliability over anyother motor. over all my serches the only thing i could ever find was yes old 4 stokes heavy. I never found anything with reliablity of motors blowing up. read some little things on 300hpdi but thats it. the boat just pops up out of the water. used to fish out of a skeeter 1950 200 hpdi this 621 gets on plan much faster than that boat.
April 26, 2013 at 11:00 am #1166000
Yours seems to be an exception, are you running a jack plate or hydrofoil?
Noop, no Jack Plate or Hydrofoil. It just jumps out of the hole as fast as I’ve seen any 620 do. It’s the prop set up. I beleive I’m giving up a little top end (although I don’t mind only getting 56-57 as adverages) to get the almost immedaite plane. I would share prop set up, but boats not near by at the moment.
April 26, 2013 at 11:03 am #1166001Thanks for the posts, like yamaha’s reliability but if it only got 4 m.p.g. that’s 50 percent better than the e-tec and on Rainy I can go thru the gas and no $50 dollars worth of oil every two tanks
Posts: 1036April 26, 2013 at 1:25 pm #1166049The off shore motors are a next geneation of four stroke compared to the 2005-2011’ish F250’s. From the standpoint of dealing with the first generation of F250’s on 4 different 620 & 621’s hulls I will echo the comments above on the (lack of) performace on those hulls with any sort of a load or a full livewell of water.
Happy shopping!
Posts: 1June 12, 2016 at 8:38 pm #1624134Znak
Did you end up getting a new boat with a Yamaha?I just seen this post and I’m running a 2013 620vs with a Yamaha 250 offshore and a 9.9. I have just under 90hrs. The boat runs around 58-59 mph, 57-5800rpm with the prop Yamaha put on for ranger. I did talk to Yamaha reps at the boat show and after discussing the performance we decided that My setup is correct for how I fish. Putting a different prop on really wouldn’t be much of a gain to justify.
I’m not sure on MPG because to be honest I really don’t check it. I fill it up when it’s low and drive it like I stole it.
Hole shot is good the merc is faster but let’s be honest what is a few seconds and in my opinion the Yamaha will last longer
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