Just came across these pics of the new Ranger 1880MS Angler. After looking at these pictures for the first time I was left scratching my head. First off someone please explain to me the difference between the Angler and the Reata. Looking at the new MS angler I have to admit this is more then a fish and ski vs a fishing boat all. If you are going to make the reata and the angler almost identical why make them both. Here are my negatives coming from the fisherman’s side.
– The rear deck in the 1880MS has now shrunk since the added a fiberglass separator. Which leaves that back two compartments wasted deck space since you would have to step over the separator. Terrible for the muskie fisherman.
-The jump seats have handrails close by to lift yourself up (which I believe will just get in the way)
-In the front and rear it looks like they added some type of padding on the gunnels which will be a nightmare with hooks getting stuck and ripping.
-Why did they not add the new non stick flooring as they did to the FS series…
I will admit I’m both a Ranger & Skeeter fan, but I think Ranger totally struck out with this one. I wonder if it has anything to do with the new ownership and the vision they have.