Rainy River Ice Out

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    What are your go to size in plastics for the rainy?
    I just picked up some 4” Eye candy paddle shad’s.
    Thinking big fish like a bigger bait. So many plastics are 3 to 3.5” in length.
    The 2 colors I bought were purple shad and smoke shad.

    4 inch eye candy paddle tail in orange was my big fish winner last year for the 29.5 I caught. And many over 27. On slow days a 3 inch easy shiners cam be gold. But we try to go for larger profiles to start but that doesn’t always work

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Full draw wrote:</div>
    What are your go to size in plastics for the rainy?
    I just picked up some 4” Eye candy paddle shad’s.
    Thinking big fish like a bigger bait. So many plastics are 3 to 3.5” in length.
    The 2 colors I bought were purple shad and smoke shad.

    4 inch eye candy paddle tail in orange was my big fish winner last year for the 29.5 I caught. And many over 27. On slow days a 3 inch easy shiners cam be gold. But we try to go for larger profiles to start but that doesn’t always work

    The orange you mention is that called sunrise?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Yes it was sunrise, I used 2 plastics out of the sunrise bag and they lasted 30 or 40 fish before I had to either glue them back together or throw them out.
    I also had great success with the Golden shiner.
    The eye candy minnow is solid as well. They cam be found from time to time for 2 for 7 at fleet farm. I bought a bunch last time and haven’t looked in a long time. They are spendy but great plastics

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    We use a bit of everything for plastics. Started out with old school white BfishN paddltails at the start of the trip last year. Last day of the trip I was throwing 4.5″ Yum Pulse paddle tails. So basically from very little action to plastics you can see move in your rod tip. Make sure to bring a few scented plastics to and even having some super glue with is not a bad idea.

    There is no magic color or style up there.

    Posts: 396

    Supposed to get a bunch of snow again tonight. This is becoming the never ending winter. Way cold last night but after these couple days it looks a little better. Above freezing anyways.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Jenn from the Royal Dutchman just gave an update.
    She said she could see open water to the east of Birchdale.
    After tomorrow the upcoming week looks very favorable.
    When the guys start pushing boats out we will see some good movement then.

    Posts: 1105

    hope this keeps going, going to SD to fish the river a few days and then got a Drs. appointment on the 31st i cant miss and then hope to be coming north. hoping to get to meet some of you guys up there this year

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    I found a few random packs of the rapala crush city freeloaders 4.25″ for 2.99 a pack the other day. I will be trying one of them right off the bat. Great profile and size.

    Posts: 1105

    mother nature is sure fighting us this year with more snow. hope 0nce it gets it out of its system and the river opens it will just give us decent weather to fish in

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    mother nature is sure fighting us this year with more snow. hope 0nce it gets it out of its system and the river opens it will just give us decent weather to fish in

    Some years we are fishing in T shirts, some years it’s so cold and the boats full of snow. Last year a few of the days I was up there were 20 to 30 mph winds straight up the river. Nothing better then walking to the shore from camp and seeing my boat in the water and it’s caked in ice from the day before. Really hope we get some good hoody weather days, those are enjoyable.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Yep. Last year was nice. Starting to look like a 30 degree with 20 mph winds and snow type of year this year.

    Some one should start up a boat motel up there for these types of years. Over sized stall with heated floor and power to keep the boats in over night. So nice to come out to a thawed out, dried out boat in the morning and be able to clean and re rig gear in warmth.

    6 pages and nobody has caught a fish yet.

    Posts: 1105

    Yep. Last year was nice. Starting to look like a 30 degree with 20 mph winds and snow type of year this year.

    Some one should start up a boat motel up there for these types of years. Over sized stall with heated floor and power to keep the boats in over night. So nice to come out to a thawed out, dried out boat in the morning and be able to clean and re rig gear in warmth.

    6 pages and nobody has caught a fish yet.

    I thought groll caught some already

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    The rapids to Birchdale should be open?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike W wrote:</div>
    Yep. Last year was nice. Starting to look like a 30 degree with 20 mph winds and snow type of year this year.

    Some one should start up a boat motel up there for these types of years. Over sized stall with heated floor and power to keep the boats in over night. So nice to come out to a thawed out, dried out boat in the morning and be able to clean and re rig gear in warmth.

    6 pages and nobody has caught a fish yet.

    I thought groll caught some already

    He doesn’t visit here. I imagine Mike was referencing us and the long post.

    Posts: 1105

    Yep Groll has a picture of a 32 incher he caught in the river on his FB page

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Judging by the graft and your upcoming weather it won’t be long!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Some one should start up a boat motel up there for these types of years. Over sized stall with heated floor and power to keep the boats in over night. So nice to come out to a thawed out, dried out boat in the morning and be able to clean and re rig gear in warmth.

    I always thought the Dutchman should have a big heated pole barn bar that serves food. Stop in for dinner and thaw everything out before heading to where you’re staying. And obviously let people staying there park overnight.

    Posts: 4487

    Yep Groll has a picture of a 32 incher he caught in the river on his FB page

    A fish picture on FB and none of you guys are calling for his head?

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Seen a video today that there is some open water in front of Birchdale access.
    Not a lot of open water but it’s a start.
    Just need enough to get the boat pushers going so they can break up even more ice.

    Posts: 396

    Really nice up here today and not a cloud in the sky. Looks like one more day of the warm stuff before the big cool down and snow storm so hopefully something can happen in the next couple days here. Today was the best day of snowmobiling with the most snow we’ve had all winter. Epic ride!

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Today’s Modis image. One cloud right in the way but you can see open water.

    1. IMG_4757.png

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    A buddy just text me saying there was a body found in the river near birchdale yesterday. Can’t find anything online about it. But he said he seen it on the Dutchmans fb. I’m not active on fb so I didn’t see it. But prayers out to the person and family if it is true

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    A buddy just text me saying there was a body found in the river near birchdale yesterday. Can’t find anything online about it. But he said he seen it on the Dutchmans fb. I’m not active on fb so I didn’t see it. But prayers out to the person and family if it is true

    Just peeked at Dutchman’s fb and they think it was a person that had gone missing last fall while kayaking.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Very sad deal.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Very sad to hear about the kayaker passing away. Sounds like they found the body do the family can get some closure.

    With that said the river is open to the island downstream from Birchdale.
    The county is going to try and open the access tomorrow.
    There are some boats pushing off and fishing in front of Birchdale.

    Posts: 396

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    A buddy just text me saying there was a body found in the river near birchdale yesterday. Can’t find anything online about it. But he said he seen it on the Dutchmans fb. I’m not active on fb so I didn’t see it. But prayers out to the person and family if it is true

    Just peeked at Dutchman’s fb and they think it was a person that had gone missing last fall while kayaking.

    Now that you say that I think I remember that now. If it’s the same person they weren’t from around here but they found the vehicle in international falls and then later found out he bought a kayak. It was like late late fall/start of winter.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND LISTEN!!!!!! -Ron Burgandy. The county is at Birchdale right now opening up the access.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND LISTEN!!!!!! -Ron Burgandy. The county is at Birchdale right now opening up the access.

    <div class=”ido-oembed-wrap”><iframe loading=”lazy” title=”Birchdale Bound” width=”850″ height=”638″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/lrxQDDA5-k4?feature=oembed&#8221; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen=””></iframe></div>

    I was just talking to Charlie before lunch lol.
    His best is diamonds don’t run. It’s our theme song as concrete cutters.
    And his old rap song, overtime life. But that one’s alot harder to find

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Hook up and head out. If you ain’t first, you’re last.

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