Rainy River Ice Out

  • fins
    Posts: 396

    Single digit lows and highs below or right at freezing is not going to help the cause what so ever. Things can always change but there will be zero progress in the next 10 days. Almost kinda tempted to take a ride down stream by birchdale and try ice fishing some of the spots it’s good out of the boat. I’m sure those fish are already in there. I think lots of them come in there just because it’s that time.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Single digit lows and highs below or right at freezing is not going to help the cause what so ever. Things can always change but there will be zero progress in the next 10 days. Almost kinda tempted to take a ride down stream by birchdale and try ice fishing some of the spots it’s good out of the boat. I’m sure those fish are already in there. I think lots of them come in there just because it’s that time.

    That’s exactly what we used to do every year. Ice fishing sketchy sloppy slushy ice late season, just before ice went off. Never at birchdale more towards baudette but still to the east. Out of Jason grolls folks back yard.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Sure doesn’t look like it’s going to happen next week. Thinking I might start getting my smaller jon ready for sliding across the ice this year. What’s the biggest boat you guys have seen slid in up there?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Another great question is what is the biggest boat you have seen dropped on the ramp and then pushed in? I got to see a 20’+ jon slide off a trailer and stop when the motor hit the pavement. What was most amazing was the guys did not miss beat grabbing a jack and getting it back on the trailer almost like they had practiced this drill often.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Sure doesn’t look like it’s going to happen next week. Thinking I might start getting my smaller jon ready for sliding across the ice this year. What’s the biggest boat you guys have seen slid in up there?

    No it doesn’t look good. I was hoping for a warm spring but doesn’t look like we are going to get it.
    Last year I seen a video with a 16’ aluminum Lund with 40 hp get pushed off the ice before the landing was opened up.

    Posts: 3480

    Back in the late 80s at Birchdale, 4 of us slid a 17 foot aluminum Tracker side console with a 75 hp motor onto the ice and slid it across. My hands got really cold putting the transducer back on. Getting it back out was a little more work. Wouldn’t have been able to do it without a roller trailer!!

    Posts: 396

    Another great question is what is the biggest boat you have seen dropped on the ramp and then pushed in? I got to see a 20’+ jon slide off a trailer and stop when the motor hit the pavement. What was most amazing was the guys did not miss beat grabbing a jack and getting it back on the trailer almost like they had practiced this drill often.

    Years back we were waiting in line to put in and there were some younger guys with an 18’ footish full windshield boat on a roller trailer. Apparently they never got the memo about leaving the strap on till the boats in the water with a roller trailer because as soon as it started down the ramp the boat came off the trailer. The line waiting was super long and it must have caused those guys to panic because they got out all flustered and the driver flipped the switch on the winch and got back in the truck and took off dragging the boat to the tie down area. It was awesome!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    The Dutchmans post a couple hours ago showed open water past the Rapids almost to Franz. So she is opening up for sure. We still have high hopes.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Wunderground is showing high of 48 tomorrow and every day except Friday being 36 or higher for a high the next 10 days.
    This is for Baudette anyway.

    So far we have had 17 days of 30 or higher since March 1st. With the warmest day being 65.

    Posts: 4564

    Just slide the boat out on the ice and use an auger to drill some holes to fish in. LOL

    Posts: 396

    Wunderground is showing high of 48 tomorrow and every day except Friday being 36 or higher for a high the next 10 days.
    This is for Baudette anyway.

    So far we have had 17 days of 30 or higher since March 1st. With the warmest day being 65.

    I’d check a different source for weather. Everything I look at here has everything at or below freezing except a couple 37’s towards the end of the 10 day. I’d kill to get the weather your app says.

    Posts: 396

    Below zero lows and single digits over the weekend too.

    Posts: 396

    Trying again

    1. IMG_0013.png

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Here is Wunderground.

    1. IMG_4742.png

    2. IMG_4741.png

    3. IMG_4740.png

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    So open water in front of Birchdale this weekend. Sliding boats in next weekend..

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    So open water in front of Birchdale this weekend. Sliding boats in next weekend..

    That’s what it’s looking like it if it keeps going at that rate. Once she hits Franz it seems to go at a good rate. And that county is always good about clearing birchdale once open water is there.

    Posts: 396

    You guys must not be from around this area. It’s been crazy cold and lately very snowy. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but just saying I wouldn’t be getting your hopes up just yet. It’s going to be a good while especially with the stupid deep freeze coming this weekend.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    Now that I am home and could look at the wife’s Facebook.
    The Dutchman said in one of the comments that the open water ends at 162. Birchdale is at 156. So we have 6 miles to go.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    You guys must not be from around this area. It’s been crazy cold and lately very snowy. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but just saying I wouldn’t be getting your hopes up just yet. It’s going to be a good while especially with the stupid deep freeze coming this weekend.

    Not from around there, but watch this cycle pretty close every spring for the last 20 years. Doesn’t take much for that river to start making a few miles a day. Just from last week to now is a sure sign on how fast things change. My weather is showing 47 up there tomorrow. Takes a lot less above temps to make progress, over the cold stopping it. Pushed many Jon boats over the ice, that’s a ok in my eyes. Don’t need the big boat. Just a good come a long.
    I could be completely wrong, but I have faith one of the boats will be in the water by the 7th.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    It doesn’t need to be above freezing to thaw either. Sun is strong this time of year and the days keep getting longer. Below zero nights will slow things down but those nights in the upper teens and 20s won’t slow much. That’s my perspective from sunny Ham Lake mn.

    I wonder if there won’t be some open water in front of Birchdale tomorrow or Friday.

    Posts: 1105

    heard Groll pushed a small boat out already and the fish are there

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    You guys must not be from around this area. It’s been crazy cold and lately very snowy. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but just saying I wouldn’t be getting your hopes up just yet. It’s going to be a good while especially with the stupid deep freeze coming this weekend.

    This is just how it goes every year, a few weeks ago everyone was talking about a super early ice out. Now with some cold weather it’s the opposite. But it happens every year regardless, it might only be 1 day, or it might be a couple weeks, but it will happen.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    heard Groll pushed a small boat out already and the fish are there

    I’ll give him a jingle tonight, figure out where he pushed out of. Guessing not his folks place.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    For anyone that likes science her is an article I had seen last year and took me a minute to find it again this year.

    From the article

    “Thawing degree days (TDDs) is a measure of accumulated springtime heat. If the air temperature is an average of 10 degrees F above freezing during a day, this accumulates 10 thawing degree days. If the air temperature is an average of 15 degrees F above freezing the next day, this accumulates another 15 thawing degree days for a total of 25 thawing degree days for that two-day period. If the temperature averages below freezing for a day or two, that doesn’t add any more thawing degree days because thawing is not happening during that time.”


    Posts: 396

    Last year was quite the rollercoaster on the river. Started out low than was super super high for a long time then went back to way low. It’s crazy how fast it fluctuates when they open and close gates at the dam.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    The Dutchman has a video on FB from Franz. There is an open water channel extending to the east. He doesn’t know if it goes all the way to Manitou or not.
    He mentions checking to see if it does and taking a look at Birchdale to see if he can see open water to the east or not.
    The boats that were pushing off yesterday were at Manitou.
    Next Friday is the 28th. So there is a small chance we could see boats at Birchdale that day. I hope it happens because that is the date I picked. lol.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Saw that. 5 below up there this morning sure isn’t helping much. Sure is nice to get the daily updates from the guys up there. Was looking back through some of last year’s photos and it tough not to get excited about going. So many big fish with a pair of 31s to top the list. Hands taped up like fighters from all the fish cuts. Wrap your arm around the line to hoist the fish in because it’s just another 24 to 25 inches.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Saw that. 5 below up there this morning sure isn’t helping much. Sure is nice to get the daily updates from the guys up there. Was looking back through some of last year’s photos and it tough not to get excited about going. So many big fish with a pair of 31s to top the list. Hands taped up like fighters from all the fish cuts. Wrap your arm around the line to hoist the fish in because it’s just another 24 to 25 inches.

    That’s what the kid and I were doing a couple days ago, just laughing about boat Flipping so many walleye between 20 and 25. Something we don’t do often around home

    Full draw
    Posts: 1662

    What are your go to size in plastics for the rainy?
    I just picked up some 4” Eye candy paddle shad’s.
    Thinking big fish like a bigger bait. So many plastics are 3 to 3.5” in length.
    The 2 colors I bought were purple shad and smoke shad.

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