Rainy River Ice-Out

  • rschmidty
    Posts: 173

    I know there are a couple threads going right now related to fishing the Rainy River in spring. Since those are more centered on tactics and other things, I thought I would start one solely dedicated to the ice-out progress.

    The link below is to daily satellite images. The best way to view it in my opinion is to unclick state boders, chose false color and click 250m zoom. On clear days, you can certainly gain a general idea of where ice-out is.

    I currently looks to be just past Loman with the river showing clear signs of thinning several miles past.


    If anyone has in-person updates, feel free to share.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    From RainyDaze on FB, “River is open from about 2 miles east of Indus up to the Dam. Access points are not plowed and have ice shelves.”

    I’m thinking it’s going to be cutting it close this year, but I am biased since I’m going to AZ instead of the river this year.

    Posts: 121

    I did just start our yearly spring forum that we have been doing the past few years. We probably won’t get back to check the river until this weekend. I try to share information we get from others and share FB posts of others results.

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