Rainy lake northern

  • Miki bowe
    Posts: 3

    Looking for information on catching pre spawn northern pike on the rainy lake. Anyone ever been up there and no some spots that produced for you any information would be greatly appreciated. Heading up this weekend im thinking. What sort of water temps should we be looking for?

    Posts: 178

    There is still ice on the lake and bays,as far as spots go ,they never seem to be in the same place year after year ,with that being said we do hit all the bay’s that we have found them in the past.The lake level have a lot to do with it,the higher the water the better the fishing.Old reeds is what you want to look for ,the larger the area the better.Once you find the reeds the pike are general not everywhere ,the big females look for the open spots in the weed beds,the males seem to cruise around more .We use flukes and hollow belly swim baits rigged weed less to fish in the cover and X raps for the edges.The best way to find them is to study your map at home and try to hit as many bays as you can ,you want to get way back in the pike will be in water as shallow as a foot.

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