Rainy Lake – Anyone been out there lately?

  • bigstorm
    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Heading up to Rainy Wednesday night, fishing Thursday thru Sunday and just wondering if anyone has been up there recently. I’m assuming the water is warmer than normal based on the recent weather. We’ll start on some of the deeper reefs (25ft to 35ft) and go from there.

    Posts: 178

    Ya ,the fishing has been pretty good lately,the fish are on the humps.I use soft plastics and have mainly been fishing the north arm.We have had some customers in fishing the American side they were getting some crappies and walleye.The big pike are showing up too on points.
    BB 2. Falls Motel

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Thanks for the info. we normally fish at the Brule Narrows along with humps/reefs east of there. hoping there isnt too much wind otherwise any reef/hump in the main parts of the lake are unfishable

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Sorry, I’ve been really bad about posting lately. Was up on the North Arm from 9/13-9/18.

    Can’t speak to walleyes so go with BB2’s update. We heard similar from friends and others at the dock.

    We chased pike for our time. Maybe should have tried more points but did reasonably well on deep weedbeds that were open to the main lake. I’ll have to get my pics off the camera so I can post a trip report.

    For our days temps were 66 plus or minus one degree. Was really warm for fall fishing. That said that was over a week ago.

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