Rain gear

  • riverfishin11
    Posts: 66

    Looking to buy a decent rain jacket this year that i can wear in the boat when its windy and wavy so i dont get all wet.Looking at less then $100 range probably going frogg togg

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I have Frogg Toggs and really like them, however they do NOT block much wind if that is a factor for you. Air goes right through. I like this feature as I wear them while canoeing so the wind is not a factor, but I need the breathability.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    get PVC if you want to stay dry

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21948

    I wear my marmot precip jacket and pants in every storm I fish , that are perfect. I keep my phone in my pocket and lighter and have never had it leak through. The jack is 100 bucks on line and pants are a hundred.plus they look very nice. On those nasty hot rainy days it doesn’t overheat you either. I wore a pvc one for a while and got way to hot and sweaty and then the frog togs bled through and I was wet with them on.i bought my wife a mountain hardware suit and she loves it but that was a little more spendy. https://www.marmot.com/precip-jacket/41200.html

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    get PVC if you want to stay dry

    You may stay dry from the rain but you will sweat so bad you won’t know the difference.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    I’m not sure I would even call Frog Toggs water resistant much less waterproof. Worst thing is if you sit in water, 100% of that is coming right through the pants and you’ve got a wet buttski. Bought a set some years back to leave in the boat. Used them once and got soaked. Threw them away.


    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    Not sure if it matters, but Frogg Toggs now have multiple types of rain gear. They have their original stuff that looks like newspaper or something, and now they have stuff that looks like normal rain gear material. Not sure which kind the OP is talking about, but the new stuff looks decent, they have bibs and jackets.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Bump your budget up a bit and keep an eye on Cabelas Bargain Cave. Search on gortex rain suit. Decent deals pop up there frequently. Once you own gortex rain gear, you will never go without.


    Posts: 936

    get PVC if you want to stay dry

    This is probably the best advice for your budget, especially if it’s going to be a cool/cold weather rain suit only. Otherwise check for closeouts at your favorite outdoor retailer.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Check out field supply. You can get the Frabill F2 suit for around $100 with some digging. Very good rain gear.

    Posts: 189

    I have the Frog Toggs Pro action jacket and pants, they were $50 each. I used them in Alaska for a week in the pouring rain and never got wet or sweaty. I really like them they are light weight and are comfortable.

    1. IMG_1809.jpg

    Posts: 9167

    Check out Columbia Outdry EX, there’s some deals on the older models if you look around. It feels and blocks water like PVC but is still breathable.

    Marmot Precip is decent stuff for the price, you should be able to find the jacket/pants for around $100 total if you’re not picky on color.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Have goretex jacket and pants. Got them as a gift wouldn’t switch to anything else feels like you’re wearing normal clothes not a rain suit

    Posts: 6617

    Check out field supply. You can get the Frabill F2 suit for around $100 with some digging. Very good rain gear.

    For the money I think Frabill makes a good product. I got a great deal on mine from Field Supply too (but are f-3 or f-4)

    Fyi- The suits run a touch on the small side. If you are borderline in your normal size, I would jump up one.

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