Well today started like any other. I woke up, swore that I had to go to work, farted, and got out of bed. I only had to work until noon and hadn’t planned to do anything speific after other than be on call with the wrecker. The weather was very nice so I decided to take my son squirrel hunting. We grabbed up 3 guns. The Remington Nylon 77 we hadn’t fired yet, the H&R .410, and my Glenfield Model 75. Off to the habitat we go in search of some tree beasts. Temps were mild, about 28 or so. Overcast and 6-7″ of snow in the woods. We loaded up the .410 and Glenfield and into the woods we go. Walked into the backside of the 40 and climbed into one of our box stands. There is a 4 day doe only season now so we were required to wear blaze orange. After about 30 minutes or so some squirrels started to come out. We snuck over to one and my son had a good clear shot at it as it ate an acorn. The .410 roars and down went the squirrel. I tell you it was very exciting to watch my son take his first squirrel and even better yet to see the excitement in his eyes! The following are some pics of the day and, if it works, a couple videos as well.
Notice the picture of the mosquito. It is December 13th and it was under 30 degrees. What the heck are they doing out? We saw a lot of them too.
The Skeeter In The Snow!
And the rats getting ready for the slow cooker.
Ok here are two videos too. Turn the volume up on the them and listen to the commentary from the “boy”. I found it funny. (Anyone know how to upload faster to YouTube? I bet these shorts took almost 30 minutes!!!)
And Part Duex…