Questions on Warrior Boats from a Lund guy…

  • Marco Pelton
    Posts: 23

    Howdy gents,

    I live in western NoDak and walleye fish a bunch. Currently I run a Lund ProV 189 GL and really like it, but I’ve started the long, slow, and fun process of upgrading boats.

    I fish exclusively on Lake Sakakawea (to date) and primarily troll cranks, some bottom bouncers, and jig every great once in a while. In fact, I’d say I crank 85% and bottom bounce 14% with the remaining 1% jigging – just to give you an idea of how I fish.

    So, my questions right now are what’s the biggest difference between the 208 and 203? I’ve noticed the 208 has the jump seats, but is the console further ahead in the design? Is this the “better trolling” model vs the 203 built for the guy up front more?

    HP ratings – I see the 208 is rated for 350. I’ve owned both Yamaha and Mercs in the past, and I think I’d prefer to go with a Yamaha on my next boat. Is the 208 able to be paired with the 350 Yamaha? I’ve never seen one in person, or even pics for that matter. The Yamaha seems to be a plenty big (weight) outboard – any reason it couldn’t work?

    That’s kind of all I have for right now – I’ll be sure to think of, and ask, more questions later.



    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280

    I think the move to either the 203 or the 208 would be a pretty significant upgrade for you when it comes to a big water fishing boat. Both will ride better and track better when trolling, and both will give you a lot more interior room and storage.

    The console on the 208 is further back. There’s slightly less room behind the windshield and more room in the bow vs. the 203.

    Other major differences between the two other than the jump seats is that the 203 has a raised cooler and baitwell in the bow vs flush in the floor on the 208, and the livewell is side mounted on the 203 vs center mounted on the 208. Other than that, they’re pretty much the same boat with only minor differences.

    I’ve had both, and I prefer the 208 layout for the way I fish (lots of jigging, live bait rigging, and casting, with trolling being about 1/3 of my fishing). For someone like yourself that’s a hard core troller, the 203 might be the better option, there is a TON of room behind the windshield. The 203 will likely be a little less money as well.

    As far as the Yamaha 350, it is NOT available on the 203 or the 208. It’s not the HP that’s the problem, it’s the size and weight of the V8 Yamaha. The max. HP for the Yamaha is the 300. In order to get 350 HP, you have to go Mercury Verado or Suzuki.


    Pat McSharry
    Saint Michael, MN
    Posts: 713

    ^^ Accurate! I prefer the layout of the 208 as well, but like waxy said, if you troll 99% of the time the 203 would be the best option.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    I have become quite fond of the 203 as I am getting older. I find that I rarely if ever fish the front bow these days. With that in mind, the extra cockpit space in my mind is like getting the next size boat up up.

    I also perceived that the ride would not be as good in a 203 with the windshield being further up front. In all honesty no difference what so ever.
    You can still use the front bow to vertical jig occassionaly, but certainly, not the norm size the competitive floor plans offer. Today with the trolling motors and kickers, we rarely have to leave the driver seat, and with the optional captains chair, why would you ! :]

    As of today, 300 would be the biggest viable choice from Yamaha. The present 350 is too heavy and is a big block v 8. The F300 will not take a back seat to anyone in regards to hole shot and big water midrange throttle response. 0 to 50mph

    If you are focused on those rare calm water days to be faster, the 350 verado will take the fastest crown, but keep in mind, it requires an extra battery and mid range rough water response is slower to respond as the super charger doesnt respond nearly as quick as the higheer displacement f300.

    JR Carter
    Posts: 43

    Hey, If you need a ride in one I’ll be in Beulah July 27, and Newtown Area July 30-Aug 3 I run a Warrior 208 with a Suzuki 350, 9.9. It eats the waves for sure!
    JR Carter

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