Question for those mechanically inclined – Portable Winch free-spool issue

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 17424

    I’m unable to get this MasterLock 12v Electric Winch to free spool anymore. You’re supposed to unscrew the knob on the side to dis-engage the clutch thus allowing for freespooling to pull out the cable, but doing that does nothing as the cable will not come out at all. I took it apart and it appears as though there might be a clutch spring missing (broke off at some point) that pushes the gear out of alignment when the knob is loosened? Everything else looks sound, but there’s no way for the main gear to disengage the spool gear? I took a few pictures to show where I think a spring used to be? to you agree? I’ve looked everywhere online for a parts diagram, but there’s nothing available…

    The winch does NOT have a reverse feature for the motor, the only way to pull the cable out, is with free spool…

    1. image1.jpg

    2. IMG_6016.jpg

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3080

    I took it apart and it appears as though there might be a clutch spring missing (broke off at some point) that pushes the gear out of alignment when the knob is loosened? Everything else looks sound, but there’s no way for the main gear to disengage the spool gear?

    From the only viewing angle you provide I can’t see the entire gear train. I highly doubt that any gears move out of alignment.

    The free spool function is accomplished with a internal clutch spring which sound be wound around the shaft which the tension knob is located on. Under knob tension, this spring locks the gear to the shaft. This shaft is driven by the first gear to be driven by the motor shaft. Thus when the gear in question (next to your arrow) is locked to the shaft, the gear is locked to the stationary motor (thru the gearing). The spool it also locked to the motor at this time as well.

    When you back off the tension knob, the internal clutch spring releases it’s grip on the shaft, allowing the gear(again the one next to your arrow) to free spool on the shaft. This in turn is what allows the cable to free spool.

    The internal spring may be broken or it may just be gummed up. You are on the right track, but understand that the gears themselves are not designed to move in and out of alignment to achieve the free spool condition.

    NOTE: It might well be that there is no “wound spring” as such, it may be a spring washer or even just one or more flat washers which lock the gear to the shaft.

    The winch free spool actually works much the same as the drag on a fishing reel. Tighten the tension knob, the cable moves with the motor. Loosen the tension knob the cable is free to pull out.

    The gears on your fishing reel do not move out of alignment either.

    Posts: 17424

    I appreciate the reply, i’ll take a picture from the sideview tonight and post it.

    Posts: 149

    what happens if you free spool it and try to engage it to see if you can loosen the clutch?

    Posts: 17424

    I cannot get it to free spool at all…zilch… the ONLY way I can get it to go in reverse (thus letting some cable out) it to lift (disengage) the spring loaded gear catch anti-reverse lever on the bottom and then move the gears by hand…I took a few more pictures this morning…

    1. IMG_6038.jpg

    2. IMG_6039.jpg

    Posts: 17424

    The blue arrow shows the Anti-reverse gear catch I mentioned in the last post, I can disengage this by pulling it away from the gear slots, it’s spring loaded

    1. IMG_6016-1.jpg

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3080

    the spring loaded gear catch anti-reverse lever on the bottom

    Which gear does this engage with?
    I’d start by removing the hairpin clip on the large gear to the right of the tension knob in the photo “img 6038”. Also remove said gear.
    Then I’d remove the tension knob and everything related to it, that is on the same shaft as the tension knob. I’m guessing that you will find the gear itself is not splined to the shaft but is merely captured between the two outside plates/washers. Tightening the knob, tightens the plates against the gear which provides a friction drive thru this gear. When the knob is loosened the outer plates are free to spin and thus the spool should also be free to spin at that time.

    I suspect the surfaces of the plates and the surfaces of the gear between the plates are possibly rough, corroded, rusty, etc.

    Have you tried looking for an owners manual on line, which may have service instructions?

    Posts: 17424

    zero info online other than a useage owners manual..

    I took all of the gears apart and sanded/oiled all sides (They weren’t rusted together or anything)

    I had everything taken apart and it still wouldn’t free spool…

    The yellow arrow shows what gear (The main clutch gear) the anti-reverse clip slides into…You can see I actually pulled this gear to the left a bit to get it out of alignment with the anti-reverse stop, this allows it to go in reverse, but still no freespool…

    1. IMG_6016-2.jpg

    Posts: 17424

    Thanks again for the help, I really want to get this figured out as I use this winch to help pull the lifts and docks out of the water in the fall…it worked fine last year…

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3080

    The yellow arrow shows what gear (The main clutch gear) the anti-reverse clip slides into…You can see I actually pulled this gear to the left a bit to get it out of alignment with the anti-reverse stop, this allows it to go in reverse, but still no freespool…
    “My Hotfoot Pedal Goes to 11″Attachments:IMG_6016-2.jpg

    So,,,,what appears to be two separate side plates, are these actually separate of the gear between them? If not , are you sure? In my mind that is the only way it should function, the outer plates need to be able to slip in relation to the gear teeth to achieve a free spool condition.
    Sorry I can’t be more help. Let us know what you find, when you get it working correctly.

    Posts: 17424

    yes, the main gear (yellow arrow) is two separate plates that back to back…then there are two flat washers that butt up against the main housing (Red arrow) The threaded knob goes on the other side… I don’t see how there could ever be free spool without the main gear getting pushed to the left thus taking it out of alignment with the anti-reverse clip…that’s why I was thinking there was possibly a heavy spring that pushed the gear to the left and then put it back in aligment when the threaded knob was tightend down…

    I’ll spend some more time messing with it tonight…

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3080

    If the gear moves to the left and totally disengages, one would loose any “control” on the free spool. The cable even with out a load, has been wound onto the drum under tension. In a totally free spool condition, the cable would tend to birds nest as you pulled it out. Even when releasing the tension knob (when working properly) it should only be released enough to allow the cable to be pulled from the spool.

    Any loose coils still on the spool will cause the cable to dig in and under those loose coils when a load is applied and the cable wound back onto the spool.

    I am truly interested in the end results. I am a bit puzzled right now.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3080

    Any update on this issue? Did you figure out the problem and a solution?

    Posts: 17424

    sorry, been busy with the kids lately… so I’ve narrowed it down to the other side of the gearbox. There’s a split-lock washer that appears to no longer push the gear out of alignment when the threaded knob on the other side is loosened. If I take the nut off and pull the little gear coggs off, it will then freespool. I took it all apart, cleaned everything up and put it back together, but it still stays stuck and won’t free spool. I think I need to buy a new split-lock washer as this one is just worn out and can’t provide enough pressure anymore? Thoughts

    pictures below:

    1. IMG_6060.jpg

    2. IMG_6061.jpg

    David Gruwell
    Posts: 1

    Was just curious if you can send me a picture how the inside of this winch is wired from the company. My motor was stuck so I took it apart to free up the motor in which I got it unstuck but as it was apart it fell off the counter in which the cover where the hand switch and power cord attach the inside wires came off everything so if I can get some help with showing me how to re-wire this I’d definitely appreciate it thanks in advance

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