Question for mercury owner's.

  • chuck100
    Posts: 2853

    I drug my buddies boat out of storage today.I was getting it ready so i could use it while mine is in the shop.I went to start it and there is an alarm going off with just the key on.It is one steady beep.It is a 1996 50 horse.It does’nt get used much like twice last year.I’m not familiar with merc.alarms.What does a steady alarm mean low oil or over heat?I don’t think it’s serious since it does it with just the key on.Appreciate any thoughts on this.

    DeForest Wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    Could be cooling system problem, oil level, oil pump, engine over speed. Or sensor has moved. Take your pick.

    Posts: 6259

    When my 4 stroke merc is cold that tone comes on at start up. Allowed to run for a few minutes and its gone

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Does the alarm continue to stay as long as the key is on or is it just a single one or two second (in duration) beep? If just the short solid beep, it is supposed to do that, just as an indicator that the alarm itself is functional.

    Posts: 2853

    It is one continuous beep with the key on.I believe it’s the overheat alarm from what i’ve read.My evinrude does the short test beep on the start up.I will have to look into it maybe make a call or two.I was not sure what if it was for low oil or overheat.

    Posts: 1811

    put it in the water, when the water pump kicks in it should stop the beeping.

    Angler II
    Posts: 538

    Could be a bunch of different things. Bad sensor. Low oil magnet could have came loose in the tank.

    I’m going with bad sensor though.

    Posts: 1291

    Either defective overheat sensor,or horn module.I had that motor in a tiller,and the key switch box shat the bed.Replaced horn module which shorted out.Same goes for sensors,when they go bad it will sound the alarm.

    Also check all the wiring/connectors.

    Posts: 2853

    I made a couple phone calls and i got pretty good idea it’s the module.I still have to do some checking but from what i understand they go bad more frequently than a temp sensor.

    Posts: 3915

    oil level sensor is my first guess,unhook its wire,if it goes away the sensor is bad.
    unhook each sensor one at a time,if it quits beeping you have found your culprit.
    if it still beeps after all sensors are unhooked,the module itself is bad,a common problem after they get some age on them.

    Posts: 2853

    Thanks Sheldon.How’s the Mrs. getting along.I hope your trip is going well.

    Posts: 3915

    thanks for asking about the missus Chuck,we will know more this coming weekend and I will let everyone know.
    another issue has arisen that is going to put her in the hospital for more tests the first of July,the ole merry go ’round is getting spun faster than we care to ride it,will follow up about that later when we know more.

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