Question for fishing Green Bay

  • abster71
    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Hopefully planning a trip next spring. Need some clarification on required equipment VDS’s, only fishing during day light and wondering what I need. Are flags all a person needs or does one need flares, smoke etc. Thanks

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Don’t forget to have a whistle or air horn – required

    Flag is fine. Pack a spotlight or very bright flashlight. The argument is that your vessel could become disabled and your not recovered until after sunset. That’s a gray area and is at the discretion of the coast guard. Just pack an electric light and your covered.

    Verify your battery terminal covers and fire extinguisher date. Very common fines if your inspected

    joe moenck
    Posts: 52

    Also consider exceeding minimum standards. When your on the Great Lakes, if you have a problem its potentially can turn bad fast.

    I took the time to buy the flare Kit, make sure your flares are not expired. With today’s trolling motor technology many people don’t carry an anchor. Have an anchor with at least a 100′ rope available if needed.

    I carry a manual bilge pump as well, they are cheap and if needed you have it. And also the things Randy mentioned above.

    Last, I would make sure to have a marine band radio. Do a radio check before you leave port and know what channel to use in case of an emergency.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    They always ask to see my flares, and expr date when I’m on the great lakes. They also look for a throwable, and fire extinguisher. Pretty hard to check battery covers when trolling lake michigan, but I suppose if they wanted, they could, as I have seen them actually pill up to a boat while it was trolling. My only guess is they didn’t like something when they were questioning them from about 20′ away. They really are quite good at getting close enough to see what is needed, but not interfere with your troll. Had a funny one this year when out trolling with my son. When we held out our license for them to look at with their binoculars, they questioned us, as my son and I have the same name. Always thought they really couldn’t read it, now I know better. Always wondered what would happen if a fish hit while they were alongside, haven’t experienced that yet. I wouldn’t go out in lake michigan without a vhf, at the very least a hand held. Never thought about a manual bilge, but sounds like a good idea, as I had to have both of my bilge pumps replaced already, on my boat that is less than 2 years old.

    Posts: 1044

    If you don’t your boat inspected come on down to Chicago. There isn’t anybody doing anything. All are “essential workers” sitting at home.

    Posts: 3403

    I have never been checked on GB and I go there just a couple times a year for 4 days each time, and I haven’t been in my boat on Lake Michigan. Do they check you often on Lake Michigan? I do fish Lake Superior often and have never been check out there either.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I have never been checked on GB and I go there just a couple times a year for 4 days each time, and I haven’t been in my boat on Lake Michigan. Do they check you often on Lake Michigan? I do fish Lake Superior often and have never been check out there either.

    In 30 plus years I’ve been checked about 6 or 7 times. Twice in one year while we had the kids out tubing

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    They check on lake Michigan quite often, probably once in every 3 or 4 tims out for me. The worst is when they stop you just before you motor out, by the lighthouse. They tie up to you, and go through everything. They do give you an inspection slip for that year, so if you show it they won’t do it again. Out in the lake, its the water patrol. In the Chanel, its the coast guard.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Don’t forget to have a whistle or air horn – required

    Flag is fine. Pack a spotlight or very bright flashlight. The argument is that your vessel could become disabled and your not recovered until after sunset. That’s a gray area and is at the discretion of the coast guard. Just pack an electric light and your covered.

    Verify your battery terminal covers and fire extinguisher date. Very common fines if your inspected

    Randy that was exactly my thoughts as well you may think your only fishing day time but if something happens now what. Guess I’ll start looking for a kit.

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