Question About my Zack Shack

  • Zack Shack Guy
    Posts: 39

    I finally got the Zack Shack on the ice last night, and thought everything was going to be dandy. However, when I got out there, I wasn’t able to get the right side lowered. Not sure if it has rusted up, is frozen up, but I sprayed everything down with wd-40, and nothing budged. So, I brought it back in last night, and this morning I used a blow dryer to try and defrost any frozen parts, and still nothing. It’s too high to fit in my garage, so not sure how else to defrost, if that’s even an issue. Any idea’s on what might be sticking, etc. to prohibit the arm to be lowered?

    1. 1263176305_phone047.jpg

    2. 1263176292_phone048.jpg

    Zack Shack Guy
    Posts: 39

    This is what it actually looks like, above post is original pictures (found online).

    1. IMG_0515-Jp.jpg

    2. IMG_0514-J.jpg

    Posts: 149

    I assume you have the pin inside pulled so I would take the gas spring off in case its froze up

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    My pivot on my shack seized up so I had to cut it off and drilled and tapped then grooved for grease zerks

    Zack Shack Guy
    Posts: 39

    So, with the warm up in temperature, something loosened up, and I can lower and raise it.I think we figured out that the grease (or lack there of) froze up, so am going to add grease to it tomorrow, and I’m thinking will be set to go for the year.
    Thanks for the help!!

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I wish they made a Zack shack with a V-Front.

    I had a client pull the square front Zack Shack from Nebraska. The house is super light but he said it pulled pretty hard.

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