Question about muskie rivers

  • dbright
    Posts: 1902

    The Gf and I are looking to try fishing something other then the St Croix this weekend. Are there muskies above the fondu lac dam on the St Louis or are they just on the lower part of the St Louis? I thought I remember reading something about the Mississippi up around Grand Rapids. Is there a fishable population up that way? My other idea was to bring my camping gear and leave my cabin in McGregor and head up to the Big fork/Little fork fri-sun.

    Posts: 6687

    Leave the GF at home and go to the Croix…Lots of Tails to hook on beer can island if ya know what i mean smirk

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    My cousin from Nebraska makes an annual trip to the Big Fork for Ski’s and does pretty good

    Posts: 1902

    That is where I decided to head. Fbrm I will be seeing plenty of tail when her swim suit falls off the first corner past the access.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5575

    What and where is beer can island? shock

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    The Mississippi in Grand Rapids has some good fish in it for sure

    Posts: 1902

    Well the Big Fork was a bust for us this weekend but I will take another trip up there sometime when the water is low. We put in at Big Falls and ran upriver 6-7 miles and fished are way back down. The plan was to stay and fish Saturday but with my new outboard not starting and new muskie reel not surviving. We made the drive back down to McGregor Friday night.

    We both neglected to take any pictures until we were almost back to the truck.

    1. IMG_20150703_162320_746.jpg

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